Integrating Community Planning and Hazard Mitigation Planning Amanda Engstfeld FEMA Region X
2 What is a Hazard Mitigation Plan? Identify Hazards Address Risks and Vulnerabilities Develop mitigation/risk reduction strategies Plan to implement mitigation strategies before a disaster occurs
3 Idaho Hazard Mitigation Plans Local level plans have a 5 year cycle State plan has a 3 year cycle All Idaho counties have approved Hazard Mitigation Plans State Local County
4 Who writes YOUR plan? Consultant Fire Official Police Official Emergency Manager Public Works Community Planner Admin. Official ? ? ? ? ? ?
5 Different Types of Plans Disaster Related Continuity Response Sheltering Operational Preparedness/Education Scenario Specific Etc. Community Related Master Plans Land Use Infrastructure Environmental Design Area specific Etc.
6 Do these people talk to each other? Consultant Fire Official Police Official Emergency Manager Public Works Community Planner Admin. Official ? ? ? ? Floodplain Manager Transportation Planner Parks Department GIS Manager Environmental Planner Business Leaders Elected Officials City Manager
7 Comprehensive Plan Also known as a Master Plan or general plan Central element in the community planning process Guiding vision for community’s future Contents: Land Use Housing Transportation Economic Development Environmental Quality/Conservation/Natural Resources Open Spaces
8 Idaho Local Land Use Planning Act (LLUPA) a) Property Rights b) Population c) School Facilities and Transportation d) Economic Development e) Land Use f) Natural Resources g) Hazardous Areas h) Wildland Fire Hazards i) Public services, facilities, and utilities j) Transportation k) Recreation l) Special areas or sites m) Housing n) Community Design Section “…conduct a comprehensive planning process designed to prepare, implement, and review and update a comprehensive plan….The plan with maps, charts, and reports shall be based on the following components….”
9 g) Hazardous Areas “An analysis of known hazards as may result from susceptibility to surface ruptures from faulting, ground shaking, ground failure, landslides or mudslides, avalanche hazards resulting from development in the known or probable path of snowslides and avalanches, and floodplain hazards” Hazard Mitigation Relationship Collaboration between GIS Manager, Emergency Manager, Floodplain Manager, and Community Planner will ensure maps and hazards are understood and conveyed in a meaningful way. Consider mapped hazardous areas and plans for future development
10 b) Population “A population analysis of past, present, and future trends in population including such characteristics as total population, age, sex, and income” Hazard Mitigation Relationship Collaborate with Community Planner, Floodplain Manager, and GIS Manager to identify and address population growth trends. Consider population size and evacuation routes, increases in vulnerable populations, increased density and the floodplain.
11 i) Public Services, Facilities, and Utilities “An analysis showing general plans for sewage, drainage, power plant sites, utility transmission corridors, water supply, fire stations and fire fighting equipment, health and welfare facilities, libraries, and solid waste disposal sites, schools, public safety facilities, and related services. The plan may also show locations of civic centers and public buildings” Hazard Mitigation Relationship Collaborate with “infrastructure” managers and learn about their plans, vulnerabilities, and future development. Coordinate with GIS Manager to map all facilities and utilities and conduct analysis on vulnerabilities including cascading effects. Consider funds associated with Capital Improvement Projects and how to leverage them
12 k) Recreation “An analysis showing a system of recreation areas, including parks, parkways, trailways, river bank greenbelts, beaches, playgrounds, and other recreation areas and programs.” Hazard Mitigation Relationship Collaborate with the Parks/Natural Resource department to identify open spaces that may serve a dual function as a shelter site. Consider future development of the parks systems and sharing of funds to assist in shelter site creation.
13 m) Housing “An analysis of housing conditions and needs; plans for improvement of housing standards; and plans for the provision of safe, sanitary, and adequate housing….” Hazard Mitigation Relationship Consider homes in floodplains, wildfire prone, and landslide prone areas and mitigation strategies that can reduce their vulnerability. Consider future housing needs and development patterns with recurrence intervals of hazards
14 n) Community Design “An analysis of needs for governing landscaping, building design, tree planting, signs, and suggested patterns and standards for community design, development, and beautification” Hazard Mitigation Relationship Consider mitigation through housing design i.e. elevated homes, and safe rooms. Studies have shown that individual home mitigation strategies may lower property value, but when embraced by a community, property values may increase.
15 Shared Goals Complimentary goals and objectives between the Hazard Mitigation Plan and Comprehensive Plan Mutual reinforcement between hazard mitigation and other planning goals Document existing and predicted future conditions to raise awareness about what can be done about them Collaborative process will create a strong culture of preparedness and mitigation Using external drivers as leverage while focusing on community needs Proactive outreach and stakeholder involvement
Flood Risk Products Flood Risk Database Flood Risk Report Flood Risk Map
17 Flood Risk Report Content Overview Background: Purpose, Methods Risk Reduction Practices Project Results Changes Since Last FIRM Depth & Analysis Grids Flood Risk Assessment (enhanced analyses) − e.g. Areas of Mitigation Interest Summarized by Locations Communities and Watersheds
18 Discovery Discovery is the process of data mining, collection, and analysis with the goal of initiating a flood risk or mitigation project and risk discussions with the watershed When: After an area/watershed has been prioritized Before a Risk MAP project is scoped or funded Required for new and updated… Flood studies Flood risk assessments Mitigation planning technical assistance projects Why: Increases visibility of flood risk information, education, involvement Helps inform whether a Risk MAP project will occur in the watershed
19 Discovery Discussions View collected spatial data across watershed Discuss Areas of Concern: Identify Risk MAP Needs Need new flood study data? Need support with mitigation planning? Need mitigation projects? Need training on floodplain management? Need support developing a flood risk outreach program? What else can FEMA do to help your community become flood resilient? Next step: FEMA to identify Risk MAP Projects