Unit Training Management (UTM) Tutorial: How to Develop a UTP COA using the CATS Unit Planning Tool (UTP) PURPOSE: To show how to schedule training events using the DTMS CATS UTP.
Unit Training Management (UTM) Introduction: The DTMS CATS Planning Tool includes a feature called the CATS Unit Training Planner (UTP). It is just one of several mechanisms available in the CATS Planning Tool that a trainer can use to plan unit training. The DTMS CATS UTP allows the trainer to employ a methodical step by step process in developing a training plan. The planner offers the means to assess Task Selections and Tasks, as well as view and schedule training events. The planner also allows the trainer to utilize and edit the Holistic strategy (all the events in the CATS) or a METL-focused Strategy. METL-Focused strategy identifies Task selections, tasks and events that supports Higher unit’s METL and facilitates training the unit’s core capabilities. Additionally, the wizard allows trainer to easily staff and edit their selected events by using the “CATS Planning Calendar” feature. Once editing is finished the trainer can “Commit the Planning Calendar” events to the unit’s Training Calendar and complete their unit training plan.
Unit Training Management (UTM) What is CATS UTP? The purpose of the CATS UTP is to provide a methodical step by step process from assessing to selecting task(s), task selection(s), and events to train and incorporating them to a planning calendar. To access the CATS UTP function from CATS Planning Tool main menu, select CATS UTP. CATS UTP UTP
Unit Training Management (UTM) The below screen shot shows a short “Welcome to the CATS UTP”. The “Next” button appears at both the top and bottom right side of the screen. Select the “Next” button to start the planning process. CATS UTP UTP Click “Next” to begin Wizard button
Unit Training Management (UTM) In the “Step 1 …” screen, the user has several options to consider. The most important option is to determine whether to select the holistic strategy (default), the METL- Focused Strategy, or the Unit METL-Focused Strategy. Step 1 – Assess Your Unit training status UTP Holistic Task Selections Select the desired strategy TIP: Do not schedule events from this screen. You will have the opportunity to select multiple events in a later step. Holistic Strategy Option - 48 Items
Unit Training Management (UTM) Alternative selection – Unit Selected METL-Focused Strategy: the user can select the Unit METL-Focused option to identify Task Selections, tasks and events that support unit’s METL and facilitate training the unit’s core capabilities. Step 1 – Assess Your Unit training status UTP METL- Focused Option – 2 Task Selections Select the desired strategy Note: The selection of Unit METL-Focused Task Selections and collective tasks is completed in the METL Tab . See METL Tab Tutorial for instructions.
Unit Training Management (UTM) Alternative selection - METL-Focused Strategy: the user can select the METL-Focused option to identify Task Selections, tasks and events that support Higher unit’s METL and facilitate training the unit’s core capabilities. Step 1 – Assess Your Unit training status UTP METL- Focused Option Task Selections (Reduced number from the Holistic Strategy) Select the desired strategy METL-Focused Strategy Option - 15 Items
Unit Training Management (UTM) In the “Step 1 …” screen and using the Holistic Strategy, select the “Expand” button to view the associated Collective Tasks to the Task Selection. User can assess Task Selection as a whole and/or individual Tasks. If choosing to assess Task Selection, user will When done, select “Next”. UTP Expand the task selection Task Selection Assessment Task(s) Assessment Collective Tasks If the Task(s) was assessed at any time in DTMS the results are displayed Confirm the desired strategy
Unit Training Management (UTM) Step 2: User can select events to schedule to the Planning Calendar. Follow the sequential outline below: Note: If choosing to assess Task Selection, user will have to select only events rated as “P” or “U”. Step 2 Select Training Events (1) Confirm Component (2) Select ARFORGEN Cycle Rated “P” or “U” Option (3) “Expand” to view events for each Task Selection (4) Select the events to schedule Tips: Select view to see event details: Purpose, Outcome, Guidance, resources, etc. Events (5) “Next” Button
Unit Training Management (UTM) Step 3: Follow the sequential outline below: When selecting the “Preview Calendar”, a pop-up box will appear and show a summary of the events to be scheduled. The dates will reflect the proposed dates based on the CATS Calendar. UTP (3) Identify Start Date Step 3 Schedule Training (4) Preview Calendar Month & Year (2) Confirm ARFORGEN Cycle (1) Confirm Component Scheduled training events (in green) selected in Step 2 (5) “Next” Button
Unit Training Management (UTM) Step 4 allows the User to review the entire list of potential events to add to the Planning Calendar or apply to the Unit Calendar. Select “Apply to Planning Calendar” UTP Step 4 Approve and Commit Start and End Date List of Events selected for inclusion to the unit’s training plan. Apply to Planning Calendar
Unit Training Management (UTM) Apply to Planning Calendar Apply to Unit calendar Select “Apply to Unit Calendar” and one is redirected to the Unit Training Calendars and can view Short and Long-Range Calendars and the other functions that already existed within DTMS. OR Select “Apply to Planning Calendar”, one is redirected to the CATS Planning Calendar with the events committed to the Planning Calendar. New items are in “gold”. Gold events can be further edited or deleted. “Commit Planning Calendar” will save “Gold” events to unit training Calendar
Unit Training Management (UTM) This completes the tutorial: How to Develop a UTP COA using the CATS Unit Planning Tool (UTP)