From home use
Learn to use ForeThought in eduphoria! School Objects to create and share lesson plans Set up your Schedule
Unit, SE, and more Daily Schedule Shared Lessons
This is where you will be able to see and enter plans in a sequential manner by course.
Learning Standards Double click to add to lesson
Pop-up box will open when you click on EU Resource Look for BLUE DOT
Susan Sutherland Campus Technology Integrator (CTI) District Instructional Technologists: Cindy Tucker, Becky Burnett, Mary Fuller, and Lisa Simmons
There will be more training on advanced uses of this program at a later date. Please explore using the info contained within this PowerPoint or wait for more training.
Things you need to know as you explore this program…. Everything is WIZARD driven…user friendly! You will never lose a lesson plan as long as you do not delete it. It saves….200 years…. Plan a day, week, or month! Set up your own template or use the district one. Lesson plans will need to be deleted one day/lesson at a time. To play use July so that info does not get included in this years schedule.
Things you need to know as you explore this program…. Create a course once and then mirror it…similar to assignments in Skyward. TEKS, EU’s, EQ’s have already been input—just select the ones you need to cover in that lesson. (Double click will place them in your lesson.) EU’s & EQ’s—indicated with a Blue Dot and the resources are here too. Double click to view and add to lesson. (Resource tab bottom right).
Things you need to know as you explore this program…. You can put a team together so all the lesson plans are shared. (Use the WIZARD—Who is on it and What do you teach?) Only teachers who have set up schedules will be able to be added to your team. There is a discussion board w/in Team Planner. Remember everyone can see what you have written and you can not delete comments. All will be able to edit/delete etc this team/lesson.
Things you need to know as you explore this program…. You can share your lesson and others can not make adjustments by being in your lesson planner. (Not a team!) Click the Change My Settings in the task pane. Click Share My Planner This will show up in My Lesson Plans…you will need to delete this if you no longer want to share.
Things you need to know as you explore this program…. No one can modify your personal lesson plan. You can copy this info from year to year. Please do not copy the whole year…copy a 2 weeks at a time or day at a time! TO COPY…Select both A and B day or it will only copy the A day over and over. Copy WIZARD will let you copy…Content or Instructional Days or Shift a Day! Careful when shifting lesson plans because it will shift the A/B day…shift 2 days if you need to use this function.
Things you need to know as you explore this program…. On the left hand side you will notice tabs…My Planner, My Activities, Scope & Sequence is district Curriculum. After a lesson plan has been built, and you expect to use this as an Activity regularly. You can save this info as an Activity and it will be added to the available resources the next time you click on the TEKS it is tied to. This activity will be tied to the 1 st Standard (TEKS) in the Lesson. Or just build an Activity and then add to the lesson plan.
Use team planner for PLC or Department Planning. Share your plans and keep a copy in your planner.
Team Planner comments (cannot be removed)