Grade 10’s choosing their Grade 11 courses
Check that all Diploma Requirements will be met by JUNE Add 2 Types of Goals: Complete Explorations Post Secondary Planner Build “My Profile”
Make REALISTIC choices based on strengths, skills and interests Ensure you have the course PREREQUISITE for compulsory courses e.g. Applied to College
Continue your research using College/University sites Go to Post-Secondary Fair at David Suzuki S.S. on Thurs. Nov 13 th from 6-8 pm Go to College and University Open Houses in Oct. and Nov.
Need 6 Grade 12 M or U courses to attend University (min.70% average) Colleges require several senior courses (Grade 11 & 12) at the College level Must take prerequisites for U/C courses in Grade 11 Go to and
If so, you must change your “School Location” before submitting your courses!!
David Suzuki Secondary School
Found on top right of your timetable NO spaces or dashes Found on top right of your timetable NO spaces or dashes
Check diploma requirements 16 credits by June Check compulsory credits and additional credits required (3 categories) Community service Literacy test /course
Click on subject then course code Read description on right Check course prerequisite Talk to teachers Talk to parents and friends about their experiences
Construction 3 or 4 courses in specialist area + 1 business/science + 2 senior math + certifications + 2 credit co-op RED SEAL on diploma if you complete all requirements For more information, see your counselor
CO-OP – 2 or 4 credits Outdoor Adventure - 4 credits Construction Engineering - 2 credits Child and Youth Worker- 2 credits Yearbook - 2 credits
Available Fall 2015 Senior Science Classes (2 Year Program) Biology Chemistry
BLUE course selection sheet is your rough copy. Don’t hit “SUBMIT” until you are 100% sure PRINT SIGN-OFF SHEET, signed by parents, return by Friday November 28, 2014!
You will receive a blue course selection sheet. Submit your courses on line!
Click on High School Planner - Enter courses for next year Add 2 Types of Goals: Complete Explorations Post Secondary Planner Build “My Profile”