Teaching is Like a Wedding Planner
The Wedding Planner preps and preps in order to help the bride and groom reach the wedding of their dreams, nothing is unattainable if the couple willing to work for it.
The teacher works to help each student achieve their dreams, and believing in their full potential.
The In-laws …then click the placeholders to add your own pictures and captions.
The parents of the couple getting married each have their own very opinionated idea of what the wedding should be. The wedding Planner desires to put everyone's ideas into consideration, but at the end of the day, what the couple desires for their wedding comes first.
Much like the In-laws, the parent’s of students can at times be “helicopter parents” who may attempt to tell the teacher how to teach their child. Sometimes these parents may seem to be living through their children, but at the end of the day it’s the student who matters.
The outside sources …then click the placeholders to add your own pictures and captions.
The Wedding Planner cannot do it all on his or her own, they reach to outside sources such as caterers and florists for the support in needed to create the wedding.
A teacher must reach out to help from administrators and other co workers for support the teacher in making sure that the child reaches his or her full potential.
Connections and Resource Knowledge …then click the placeholders to add your own pictures and captions.
The Wedding planner needs to be connected around the area so that he or she will have the knowledge and capability to find a venue and other services that fit to the particular needs of the couple’s wedding.
The Teacher must be aware of resources and locations around the area that could be beneficial to their students, such as fieldtrips or service opportunities.
Although similar, there are some drawbacks to this metaphor: unlike the wedding planner, the teacher has more than one student he or she has to focus on at one time.
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