Planning to answer a C style question 1. Read the question and highlight the keywords. Explain how the causation argument might lead to belief in God. Think about what the question is asking you. The example above wants you to explain (detailed response) how the causation argument leads people to believe in God.
REMEMBER! This type of planning is time consuming and is only suitable for class activities or homework tasks. You will not have time to plan to this extent in a Goals assessment or the exam, So revise before hand, condense your notes into brief points that can be developed. Ask your teacher for a question template or print one from this website to practice your response.
Question Repeat the question here to open your answer. The causation argument leads people to believe in God because…. The world must have been caused by God as only God is eternal. As well as... The world must have been caused by an all knowing God to be brought into existence. Furthermore… God is the only being powerful (omnipotent) enough to cause the world to come The final reason is… God is the only logical cause of the universe and so people believe. C Question planner Explain how the causation argument might lead to belief in God. Think of 4 brief points and add one to each box
Now develop each point by giving examples In addition Another reason My final reason Also As well as Furthermore Question The causation argument leads people to believe in God because according to Christians God is eternal, meaning he has been around forever. Such as being that is eternal must have created the universe, there is no other explanation. As well as the fact the world must have been caused by an all knowing God (Omniscient) to be brought into existence. A God that would know how to create such a world. Furthermore, God is the only being powerful (omnipotent) enough to cause the world to come. A simple human is not powerful enough to do such a thin. The final reason is God is the only logical cause of the universe and so people believe, For some Christians there is no other way the universe could have come into being. C Question planner Use connectives to link together your reasons You need four reasons or 2 well developed reasons to achieve 8 marks Check your cups Capital letters Understanding Punctuation Spelling Do not spend longer than 8 minutes writing your answer. TIP Include relevant keywords from the topic you are studying. Explain how the causation argument might lead to belief in God.