You are in Room 722, Study Skills. This is Study Skills 7/8, taught by Mrs. McCarty. This Power Point can be found on my website. Tonight, I hope to be able to answer these questions for you: What will my student be doing in Study Skills this year? What does my student do on a day-to-day basis in Study Skills? How can I be involved with helping my students’ Study Skills? What are the expectations of the Study Skills Room? How will my student be assessed in Study Skills? What is the best way for me to stay in touch with you? Our time tonight will fly by! If I don’t answer your questions, please me or give me a call
In this class, students will learn ways to organize school work utilizing academic planners and other tools, manage time, read and think critically, and take effective notes. This option also provides students opportunities to set meaningful goals and work towards achieving these goals. Students in this course must have and use an academic planner.
Specifically, we will focus on: Goal Setting Test Taking and Study Strategies Organization, including daily planner use Note-taking Learning styles Effective use of HBMS technology
Typically*, students have: 15 minutes of “Study Skills Lessons”, in which they will learn and apply the strategies and skills needed to be a successful students 30 minutes of “Focused Study”, in which they will work on homework, organization, planning, etc… while Mrs. McCarty works with individuals on organizational help, study advice, goal setting, and generally, just getting to know them. *On Fridays, we do 20 minutes of focused study time followed by an ongoing Quiz Bowl tournament.
Ask to see their planner. Help them set goals Model this yourself Celebrate successes Contact me with any concerns or suggestions
Our class worked together to create these expectations: Non-messy snacks and water are allowed. Please: Take care of trash and food mess Keep your food/water to yourself (no sharing) Failure to follow these expectations will result in loss of snack privileges You may bring your backpack to class. You may listen to music on your electronic device with headphones during homework time. You may use your electronic device to: Access Schoology, teacher websites, online textbooks. Research for school homework/projects Use as a dictionary, calculator, or other tool when approved by your teacher. Inappropriate use of electronic devices (texting, taking photos, using social medial, doing anything with your electronic device that is not directly related to your school work) will result in loss of BYOD privileges Study Skills IS: A time for learning and studying productively Study Skills IS NOT: A social time, playing on your electronic device time, time to distract others from meaningful work.
60% Organization - Planner Checks, binder/homework organization, etc... 20% Classroom Activities/Work – notes, goal setting, etc... 20% Participation - especially during focused work time
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