Year 8 into Year 9 Information Evening Tuesday 28 th April 2015
Expectations for academic excellence as we go into Year 9 Curriculum expectations. Aims of the session
In many subjects GCSE courses will begin to prepare pupils for new GCSE Y11– Pupils will sit the new GCSE’s (except Italian and Tech) End of Y11 exams Academic expectations for the GCSEs have risen A pass is currently seen as a C. In the future the pass will be a grade 5 You will need to reach current B grade standards to meet the pass grade What to expect
The New GCSE The numbers 1-9 will replace A* - G Current A* standards- will now be the top 20% will get grades 8 and 9 Current A standard –Grades 6/7 Current B standard– Grade 5 Pass
Helping Yourselves Refer to subject assessment criteria when completing tasks in class and at home Aim for your target grade at all times Refer to green stamps and your next steps Complete all homework tasks and by set deadlines.
How to support Homework Wider reading Maintaining accelerated reader Checking and signing planner Contacting subject teachers Referring to subject curriculum booklets School website and learning platform Parent mail School newsletter Checking school bags for letters that might offer new and exciting opportunities How to support
Wider reading Classical literature Researching a variety of texts (2-3 and not just 1!) Going beyond the Internet Accessing library resources and staff Quizzing regularly Discussions about reading Wider reading
‘Have you asked any good questions today?’ Wider reading
How the school will support Raising expectations in lessons Improving contact with parents through the planner and Praise and reward Discussions and activities during form time Mentor/Mentee meetings Tracking of progress How will the school support
Praise and reward… The school is looking to… set up a system where all pupils can have their efforts recognised and rewarded use positive contribution stamps that can be cashed in to access a range of rewards To supplement this system by opportunities to be praised by HoDs, Year Leaders, Leadership Group and Head Teacher as well as letters and phone calls home
Week Beginning… Monday Tuesday Wednesday Punctuality Homework Lack of participation Equipment and books Preventing Learning Total Thursday Friday Parent/guardian signature Form tutor signature Messages… Positive contribution stamps Total
Pupils should… …be organised by… being punctual wearing correct uniform being fully equipped having planners and equipment out carrying planners around school …be responsible by… working to meet target grades taking pride in presentation asking when in doubt not calling out not listening to music or using mobile phones
Pupils should… …be respectful by… contributing to each lesson not talking over others listening attentively waiting patiently when needing help supporting others …show care and concern by… not making others feel unsafe respecting views and opinions of others following instructions from all staff taking care of the environment leaving in an orderly fashion
Key dates for this term May 4 MayMonMay Bank Holiday Mon - Fri Year 8 Longrigg Trip (24 students) 13 MayWedFaraday Challenge Bedfordshire University (6 students) 22 MayFriEnd of Term 2:45pm June 1 JuneMonPupils return. New academic year begins (Yr 9) 4 JuneThuCorpus Christi Mass (periods 1-3) 8 JunMonYear 9 Kew Gardens Trip (Art) 29 JunMonSt. Peter and St. Paul Mass (periods 1-3) July 8 JulMonWork Related Learning Day 9 JulThuSchool Trips Day 10 JulFriSports Day 16 JulThuEnd of Term 2:45pm
Communicating with school For issues relating to a specific subject, please feel free to contact the subject teacher directly through: School Planner Telephone School – all addresses are available on the Learning Platform Pastoral Concerns: of Year 8 (until 1 st June) Head of Year 9 (from 1 st June) Chaplaincy & Pastoral Assistant Mentor and tutor (first.last Assistant Head, Year 8