Being a Successful Student
SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY NO SCHOOL Review notes from Friday, to prep for Monday Social Studies HW due Study for Science Quiz Study for Math Test on Friday Team 6:00pm Science Quiz Review for Math Test Math Test Social Studies HW due Rough Rider Football Game NO SCHOOL Hanging out with family
TimeTask/EventTimeTask/Event 6:30 AM Wake Up / Breakfast 3:00 PM / 5:30 Practice 7:30 AM / 8:18 AM 1 st period 8:23 AM / 9:11 AM 2 nd period 6-6:30Dinner 6:35 -7:59 Study 9:16 AM / 10:04 AM 3 rd period 8:00 PM Free time - Watch TV, Play Video Games, etc.. 10:09 AM / 10:57 AM 4 th period 11:02 AM/ 11:50 AM 5 th period 11:55 AM/ 12:43 PM 6 th period 10:30 PM Get ready for bed / Sleep 12:48 PM/ 1:36 PM 7th period 1:41 PM/ 2:29 PM 8 th period
Draw a horizontal line 2 inches from the top of page. Draw a vertical line 3 inches from the left hand side of the page. Take notes in this section Use this area when studying
Summary: As soon as the lecture is over, that night, or the next morning; write a summary in this top section, pulling together the major topics that were presented in the lecture, discussion, or film. Each time I review…Do any of these 4 things in the left hand margin: mini-notes or maps 1.Write mini-notes or maps to explain the material on right. → Pg 63 → 2.Arrow → any Supplemental info from text or text book references to the notes. (IE: Pg 63 →) * 3.Star * any definite test information that the teacher indicates will be on the test. test questions 4.Create my own test questions from the material to use as review. This is exactly what a teacher does when constructing the test. Notes from today’s class in this section. Orally review this material 3 to 5 times/week. It takes 5 to 7 mental repetitions to move information from my short term to my long term memory. When reading these notes; read actively with a pen making notes in the margin and creating test questions. Use color coded pens for a quick visual of what my notes mean: (One 4-color pen works best) Green -Green = Mini-notes or maps Blue -Blue = Supplemental information Red -Red = Starred test questions Orange -Orange = My own test questions