IS IT POSSIBLE TO INNOVATE IN JOB PLACEMENT STRATEGIES? Developing Internal Capacities: Fundac í on Chile Model
Labor market: a complex system (actors with high degree of autonomy/relationships are not moldable) Youth disconnected from these services and without ability to pay Weak integration of ICT in job placement services Information gaps that can be reduced through qualitative and quantitative instruments that capture changes in the labor market Facilitating Job Placement: Needs and Gaps
Requires comprehensive solutions: Instruments to identify changes in the labor market and new, emerging occupations Quality standards to inform, guide and support job searches and development of professional plans Strategies to develop skills of those who facilitate linkages between labor supply and demand Technology solutions to facilitate decision making process related to profession and labor market Facilitating Job Placement: A process
TeOrienta An innovative model for delivering services
TE ORIENTA INFORMS, GUIDES AND PREPARES users for successfully managing their job search in a interactive way INVITES, EMPOWERS AND TRAINS individuals to develop their skills for a successful job search IDENTIFY AND DISSEMINATE changes in the labor market Physical Center Facilitating Job Placement – An Integrated Approach TeOrienta in the field INFORMS AND TRAINS individuals to use resources available on the portal
Individualized support provided without an appointment with career counselors (drop-in) Counseling and information sharing according to needs and interests of clients in the following areas: – Guide your future (identify interests and skills and access occupational guides) – Identify educational opportunities (higher education and training) – Find your work (resources to develop skills and secure employment) – Create your own business (resources for business start-up) Free access to portal and information on educational and employment opportunities Access to media library and a list of activities (lectures, workshops) A Range of Services
Web site Technology platform web 2.0 job description Description of 200 occupations with job growth outlook Interactive applications for organizing, planning and preparing job searches (Cover Letter, Resume, Network of Contacts, Planner, Videos, Portfolio) Interests and aptitude tests – results linked to suitable occupations Different information modules related to labor market
With respect to youth: combination of technology tools + in person services + activities in the field reduces fears and facilitates development of career plan. Job placement, building on training, requires close relationship building with companies With respect to professionals who provide job placement services: lack of clear qualifications and performance evaluation contribute to limited interaction with employers With respect to public and private partners: tension between reach vs effectiveness - scale program vs “boutique” program Lessons Learned
Marcela Arellano Director Tranining and Labor Market Program Skype: marce.arellano