Table of Contents How hard is it? Acceptance Requirements? When do you have class? What do you study in the first course (Travel Agency and Event Management)? What do you study in the second Course(Travel Agency and Event Management)? Where do you study? Other activities After you finish the courses? Job opportunities Academic opportunities How do you register? I.E.S. Pedro Muñoz Seca
How hard is it? It is a 2,000 hour course. There are two academic courses (September to May).
Acceptance Requirements? There is immediate acceptance for: 2nd Bachelorette C.O.U. University Degree Professional training Graduate Alternatively, you can take an exam for acceptance if you do not fit the criteria for immediate acceptance. (More information can be found in the center)
When do you have class? Morning hours: From 8:15am to 2:45pm (6 hours a day, 5 days a week) Includes a 30 minute break
What do you study in the first course (Travel Agency and Event Management)? Tourism market structure(3 hours/week). Protocol and Public Relations (4 hours) Tourism marketing (6 hours) Tourism destinations (5 hours) Tourism resources (5 hours) Foreign language: English (4 hours) Labor training and orientation (3 hours)
What do you study in the second course (Travel Agency and Event Management)? Tourism product Management (8 hours) Selling travel services (6 hours) Travel agency management (4 hours) Second foreign language: French (5 hours) Business entrepreneurship (4 hours) Labor training Integrated Project
Finishing the second course (Part of March) Travel Agency and Event Management Internships Halcon Travel agency Iberia Travel agency Barcelo Travel agency etc
Where do you study? First course Multi-purpose classroom Second course 4 days in the internship 1 day in the School
Other activities 1.Participate in international educational projects Leonardo DaVinci F.C.T. in the European Union MEC Language Scholarship Restoration program of abandoned towns 2. Excursions FITUR in Madrid Cádiz Tourism Fair Cádiz Cruise Visiting companies and institutions (hotels, travel agencies, tourism offices, bodegas, ect.)
After you finish the courses? Job opportunities Academic opportunities
After you finish the courses ? Job opportunities Travel Agency and Event Management Travel Agent Travel Consultant Event planner Selling travel services and programs Promoting commercial tourism travels and services Booking and reservation employee Airport transportation company director
After you finish the courses ? Academic opportunities Travel Agency and Event Management 1. Continuing other profession training classes inside the professional family of hostels and tourism (with validations) Lodging tourism management Guide, information and tourist assistant Chef Restaurant services director 2. Starting University Studies Tourism Business Translation and Interpretation Teaching Geography Philology
How do you register? June Entrance Exam: Request: 1-15 may Exam: 6 June September Entrance Exam: Request: July Exam: 7 September Request: 1-25 June (full and part-time courses) 1 – 10 September (just full courses)
I.E.S. PEDRO MUÑOZ SECA Avda. de la Estación s/n. EL PUERTO DE SANTA MARÍA (CÁDIZ) ¡sin ñ!