CODI LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP 11th Annual CODI Conference March 1-3, 2000 Tampa, Florida USA
Susan Johns CODI Past President & Cathy Schappert CODI Treasurer
What is a CODI?
U.S. User Group, hopefully evolving to a North American (US and Canada) User Group in July 2000 Membership for epixtech, inc. customers Customers hold the license to Dynix software, thus, Customers of Dynix, Inc.
What is a CODI? Over 525 licensed members Independently governed and financed Not-For-Profit User Group Affiliated with over 6,000 Dynix customers worldwide
What is a CODI? 24+ Regional User Groups throughout the US 2 Regional Chapters in Canada (July 2000) 5 Affiliated International Groups AUI (Ireland); CANDU (Canada); CODA (Australia/NZ); DUG (UK); MADU (Malaysia)
What is a CODI? Federated Partner with Horizon User Group (HUG) (July 2000)
Benefits of CODI Elected Board of Directors to oversee the organization Annual CODI Conference Quarterly Newsletter Dynix_l (hosted by St. Bonaventure University)
Benefits of CODI Strong Mentor programs with fellow Dynix Users Participation in JAD (development) Projects with epixtech, inc. Holder of the Dynix Source Code in Escrow
How to Join CODI? Dues currently $75 per year U.S. Dues year runs July through June Membership through institutional license holder rather than individual
Today’s Presentation Explain organizational structure Targeted to those interested in becoming *more* than a member Possibilities include: running for office, chairing a committee, leading other initiatives within the CODI organization
CODI Executive Board Vice-President/President Elect (Conference Committee Chair) President Past President (Nominating Committee Chair) Secretary Treasurer
CODI Board-At-Large Member-at-Large, Web Services Member-at-Large, Regional User Groups Member-at-Large, JAD/Enhancements Member-at-Large, Canadian Liaison (proposed March 2000)
CODI Appointed Positions JAD/Enhancements Coordinator Newsletter Editor epixtech, inc. Liaison Additional Committee Chairs as Necessary –Bylaws Committee –Communications Committee
CODI Employees/Consultants Membership Services Coordinator Conference Planner Accounting Legal
Prior/Future Committees Security Task Force DCUSTOM Enhancement Module Committees Standing Committees
Candidate Positions Open for Vice-President/President Elect (3 year) Treasurer (2 year) Member-at-Large, JAD (2 year) Member-at-Large, Regional User Groups (2 year)
Introduction of Current and Past Board Members Present
Introduction of Candidates on the Ballot
WOW Why Oh Why (WOW) would anyone want to do this?
WOW Rewards Motivation Relationships Leadership Not-For-Profit Status
Candidate Q&A : Quiz the Experts
What is a CODI? The most important title any of us hold is: CODI MEMBER –Kate Olsen, Past President,