2007/12/08-10 Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 1 XRT Observation Planning R.Kano (NAOJ) and XRT team.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 Weekly Meeting On Thursday (JST), We have a weekly XRT-team meeting via teleconference, and discuss the current status and the next week observations and operations. On Friday (JST), In a weekly (Hinode team) meeting, XRT-CO (Chief Observer) request and explain the XRT weekly plan, and discuss the Hinode weekly plan with others (SOT-CO, EIS-CO, CP and some experts) based on the results of the monthly meeting. One of the XRT team member is assigned as XRT-CO each week (From Friday to Friday).
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 Daily Meeting From 10:30JST, the daily meeting starts. In the meeting, We confirm the Hinode pointing plan for today. If necessary, we can adjust the pointing targets. We make the Hinode pointing plan for tomorrow. We request the XRT synoptic observation 4 times in a day around 0, 6, 12, and 18 UT. (It can be reduced to 2 times in a day in some cases.)
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 Hinode Pointing Plan: “re-pointing and tracking schedule” /* re-pointing and tracking schedule */ Fm: 2007/11/28 04:00:00 To: 2007/11/30 11:11:00 /* Date Time Tracking Offset-X Offset-Y */ /* (UT) Curve No. (deg) (deg) */ Latest re-pointing 2007/11/28 00:00: /* Format example, meaningless pointing information : */ AOCS Mem-Upload /11/28 08:43:36 /* Memory upload : # */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/28 10:06: /* 151.5/ : # OP start + 10min, track small emerging region */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/28 10:53: /* 0.0/ 0.0 : synoptic, shifted 47.0 min */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/28 11:03: /* 160.2/ : # Cont. */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/28 17:46: /* 0.0/ 0.0 : synoptic, shifted min */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/28 17:56: /* / 0.0 : # HOP 54, transient horiz fields */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/29 00:01: /* 0.0/ 0.0 : synoptic, shifted 1.0 min */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/29 00:11: /* / 0.0 : # Cont. */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/29 06:00: /* 0.0/ 0.0 : synoptic */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/29 06:10: /* 331.8/ : # Track small emerging region */ ORe-point Start 2007/11/29 10:44: /* 0.0/ 0.0 : Backup plan */ /* End of re-pointing and tracking schedule */ /* AOCS Tracking Parameters before the memory upload */ TR_MEM_ID: /* Track No. Ref-Time of Tracking Helio-long. Helio-lat. Rot. Rate */ /* Date Time(UT) (degree) (degree) (deg/sec) */ Track /11/26 18:00: Track /11/27 10:54: Track /11/22 18:08: Track /11/25 10:43: /* New AOCS Tracking Parameters after the memory upload*/ TR_MEM_ID: Fm: 2007/11/28 10:06:00 /* Track No. Ref-Time of Tracking Helio-long. Helio-lat. Rot. Rate */ /* Date Time(UT) (degree) (degree) (deg/sec) */ Track /11/26 18:00: Track /11/27 10:54: Track /11/22 18:08: Track /11/25 10:43: /* End of Tracking Curve Information */
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Planning XRT-CO makes tomorrow’s plan with COT (Chief Observer Tool). Prepare XOB (XRT Observation Table). Create a timeline. Check the data rate of the timeline. For daily planning, XRT-CO communicates with XRT members, other COs and proposers of observations, if necessary. Here, I explain the outline by using the final product of the COT, a list of XOB and a timeline chart.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 A List of XOB
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 A Timeline Chart
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB) In MDP, 20 PROGrams can be stored. In this test case, 5 PROGrams will be used. XOB#143B and #1460 for Synoptic Obs. XOB#1471 for AR Obs. XOB#1472 for QS Obs. XOB#137B for Backup plan. Only the PROGram which is not stored in MDP will be uploaded with the real-time operation.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation This is a PROGram. One PROGram calls Subroutins up to 8 times. One Subroutin calls Sequences up to 8 times. One Sequence calls exposures up to 8 times.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation FW1 / FW2VL shutterImage TypeExp. DurationRes.FOV size (center)C ompression AECInterval
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation Al-mesh filter images with short (0.5s) & long (8s) exposures, to cover the wider dynamic range.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation Ti-poly filter images with short (1s) & long (16s) exposures.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation A dark image to subtract the CCD bias and dark current.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation A G-band image with opening the visible-light shutter.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation Al-poly filter images with short (0.5s) & long (11s) exposures.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation C-poly filter images with short (1s) & long (16s) exposures.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Synoptic Observation The PROGram #17 runs only once, and then stops. Every Sequence and the Subroutine are called once.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Quiet-Sun Observation
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Quiet-Sun Observation Al-poly, A-poly+Al-mesh, A-poly+Ti-poly, and Ti-poly images with a small FOV are taken with 3 rd set of AEC thresholds. There are 7 different sets of AEC thresholds. (“0” means disable.) And, a dark image with the same FOV.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Quiet-Sun Observation Al-poly image with a small FOV are taken with 1 st set of AEC thresholds.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): a Quiet-Sun Observation The PROGram #04 continues with endless. The Subroutine #1 is called once in every 10 min*. The Subroutine #2 is running during this 10 min (=15 x 40 sec). The Subroutine #2 is called once in every 40 sec*. * The duration becomes long, if exposure durations are elongated by AEC.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): an Active Region Observation Thin-Be, Al-poly, A-poly+Ti-poly, and Ti-poly images with a small FOV are taken with 3 rd set of AEC thresholds. There are 7 different sets of AEC thresholds. (“0” means disable.) And, a dark image with the same FOV.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): an Active Region Observation Al-poly, and A-poly+Ti-poly images with a small FOV are taken with 1 st set of AEC thresholds.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 XRT Observation Table (XOB): an Active Region Observation The PROGram #09 continues with endless. The Subroutine #1 is called once in every 10 min*. The Subroutine #2 is called once in every 25 sec*. * The duration becomes long, if exposure durations becomes long with AEC contols.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 Timeline Synoptic AR Obs.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 Timeline (cont.) Synoptic AR Obs. QS Obs.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 Timeline (cont.) Synoptic QS Obs. AR Obs. Backup
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 Data Rate The total data rate is estimated to 400kbps. XRT is typically allocated 15%. It corresponds ~ 600 k pixel / min, in the case of the DPCM compression. Kano et al. 2007, Solar Physics, in press.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 Data Rate (cont.)
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 In the Next Day … After the daily meeting, XRT-CO confirms that the XRT plan finally compiled by the chief planner (CP) has no error.
Hinode Workshop / Hinode 専題研討会 /12/08-10 Weekly Operations Once in a week, we usually do the followings. Take a complete set of the dark images for near future the dark database. Take a multi-filter full disk images. Re-calibration of Focus position.