Blended classes are an exciting way to learn. Their convenience and scheduling appeals to many students, but they are not for everyone. Students drop-out of online and blended classes at a higher rate than traditional classes, and with languages it is even worse! This format could be perfect for you. Let’s find out! Please click on each question to find the answers and help you find out ahead of time if this is the right class format for you: Take the Personal Habits Inventory What is a blended / hybrid class? What will you need for this class? Read a few testimonials… Are you SELF directed? Are you ready to take a Spanish blended class? HOME
What is a blended Spanish class? It is a class format that offers the best of both worlds: traditional and online classes. In a traditional four credit class you receive 60 hours of classroom instruction. In a blended class you attend half the time and cover the other half on your own: 1.Instead of sitting in class to see a classroom presentation, you cover that on your own time when it’s most convenient (BEFORE the scheduled weekly class). 2.If you don’t understand the presentation, need to pause or hear it again, you simply click “play” again. In class you only have one time to hear the lesson. 3.If you have questions, you can always ask them right away, by posting the question online or by . The teacher will reply to you before next class and ALWAYS will go over questions before classroom activities, role-plays and conversations. Time Organization Are you a good time organizer? You must be proactive in visiting your class web site and language lab frequently to read the announcements, and complete assignments.
Time management Successful students manage time to ensure that assignments are done before their due dates. How do the following statements apply to you? 1. I am good at managing my own time. 2. When I have an assignment that is due, I know how to get it done early. 3. If I need to schedule time to take an in-person exam or meet with my instructor, I am good at making and keeping scheduled appointments. 4. I like the freedom of choosing when and where I will do my class work. 5. I do not need a lot of face-to-face discussion in order to learn. The more of these statements you said "Yes" to, the more likely blended and online classes will be a good fit for you. If you are a good time organizer and a good independent planner, blended and online classes are for you. If not, think twice before signing up! HOME
What will you need for this class? ASIDE from your TEXTBOOK, LANGUAGE PLATFORM access CODE, and LMS (Angel or Bb)… This course requires the following hardware & software: * a reliable computer (with microphone or webcam) * reliable internet connection * MDC student address * VoiceThread free account (will be created in class) A very important requirement… TO CHECK College on a regular basis!!! It is important to have a quiet area to work! To succeed you need to have access to a computer where you can do your class work on your own schedule. The location of this computer is also important. It is best if it is in a relatively quiet place, free of constant distractions, so that you can concentrate on your work and so that you can record your assignments. HOME
Are you SELF directed?. A good online/ blended class student will take initiative in asking for help when assignments or information may not be totally clear. Success in an online/ blended class will depend in large measure on how self-disciplined you are and how well you achieve objectives that you set for yourself. If you like working independently and are good at meeting deadlines, then you will do well in an online class. HOME Take the Personal Habits Inventory
Personal Habits Inventory : Do the following statements apply to you? The more "Yes" replies you can make, the more likely it is you will succeed in a blended class format. Do you have the perseverance? Are you motivated? Are you determined? Are you responsible? If YES, you will SUCCEED!!! HOME 1.I like working on my own. 2.I take responsibility for my own learning. 3.I am regarded by my family and friends as a "self-starter." 4.I feel I have pretty good organizational skills. 5.I can stay "on-task" without someone constantly reminding me. 6.I can set and achieve goals independently. 7.I enjoy being challenged, and am motivated by challenging situations. 8.I like direct, personal feedback. Read a few testimonials…
A few testimonials…. Here are some comments from former students of blended classes: HOME “At first I was skeptical, I joined the class because regular classes had no more room. I ended up loving this format, it gave me the opportunity to listen to the explanation at home, I could pause the teacher presentation, rewind the video and listen to it again. We would arrive to class ready to ask questions and would start using Spanish in activities and conversation right away" “Great class. I love that I only had to go one day per week! Why go to class to sit down and listen to a lecture that you can cover at home on your own time? Not only that, but the best part is that I could listen to the professor’s explanation as many times as I needed. In class you only have one shot at it. I asked questions and the professor always replied right away. I am taking my second blended Spanish class next semester” “I had to cover the content on my own by viewing the teacher’s presentation at home before going to class instead of sitting in the classroom. Not good for procrastinators! You can’t wait until the last minute to cover the content. The homework activities are due before attending class, there is always a quiz to assess how well you learn the content. The teacher makes sure you arrive ready to participate. You got to study!“