Explorations in art
Why DavisDigital? e-portfolios e-planner e-books e-communities
To facilitate your district achieving: recertification goals district, state and national standards no child left behind decrees Cutting edge professional practices
Assessment tool K-12 Showcase venue for both individuals & classes Organizational tool for students AND teachers Clear view of student achievement for parents, recertification committees, school boards, students themselves, college admission committees e-portfolios
Drag and drop lessons from Davis e-books Instant access to images and website links Add personalized content Easy documentation and easy observation preparation
Impressive digital library with touch of button Instant thumbnail views of each page from entire book (both student and teacher editions) Immediate view of table of contents Easy access to high quality images
Easy exchange of information on best practices with other educators Strong mentoring tool for new faculty Effective tool for exchange of ideas between teachers, administrators and parents Facilitates valuable professional development
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