AC 450 CH. 1 AC450T053CH
Assurance: Quality of Info Consulting: Recs
AC450T053CH Assurance Attest Audit
AC450T053CH Attest Subject Matter is resp. of another party Fin, Nonfin Written assurance Attestor
AC450T053CH Levels of assurance in Attest, + <> 0
AC450T053CH F/S Audit Attestor Subject Matters
AC450T053CH Demand for F/S Audit Acts risk of M misstmt Unbiased report
AC450T053CH Def of Auditing: Auditing is a systematic process (Cont.)
AC450T053CH of objectively (Cont.)
obtaining & evaluating evidence (Cont.) AC450T053CH
Regarding assertions (Cont.) AC450T053CH
about economic actions & events (Cont.) AC450T053CH
to ascertain the degree of correspondence (Cont.) AC450T053CH
between those assertions and established criteria (Cont.) AC450T053CH
and comm. results to interested users. AC450T053CH
Std Setting AICPA: ASB, SASs (Cont) AC450T053CH
ARSC: SSARS (Cont) AC450T053CH
PCAOB: AS (Cont) AC450T053CH
CPCAF (formerly POB): (Cont) AC450T053CH
GAO (Cont) AC450T053CH
Types of other Audits Operational Compliance AC450T053CH
Standards SASs SSAEs SSARSs (CONT) AC450T053CH
Standards QC ET AS Others AC450T053CH
Types of Auditors Indep. Internal Govt. AC450T053CH
CPA, Cont. License 3 Es Certif. (End) AC450T053CH