Software Verification and Validation
Verify - Merriam Webster Online Dictionary To establish the truth, accuracy, or reality of –Confirm –Bear out –Prove –Authenticate –Validate –Substantiate –Corroborate –Make sure –Attest to
Validate To support or corroborate on a sound or authoritative basis –Authenticate –Legalize –Make lawful –Authorize –Confirm –Corroborate –Bear out –Certify –Endorse
VerifyValidate Prove Legalize Substantiate Make lawful Make sure Authorize Attest to Certify Endorse
According to Boehm Verification means “we are building the product right.” Validation means “we are building the right product”.
Test (v.) To apply a test as a means of analysis or diagnosis –where a test (n.) is a critical examination, observation, or evaluation; specifically, the procedure of submitting a statement to such conditions or operations as will lead to its proof or disproof or its acceptance or rejection Try Try out Put to the test Investigate Check Analyze Examine Experiment Assess