September, 2005What IHE Delivers IHE Cardiology ACC 2007 Interoperability Showcase Thoughts on panels to illustrate vendor/product milestones with IHE
2 Goal Goal: (per last IHE Cardiology Planning Committee decision) Develop a matrix to be displayed and highlighted at the ACC 2007 IHE Interoperability Showcase which will clearly illustrate to clinical users which vendors and which products have adopted and integrated IHE connectivity into their products, including releasing that software to the field.
3 Typical software lifecycle process incl IHE Time (not to scale) ProductconceptionRequirementsDefinition Draft IHE IntegrationStatementSoftwareDevelopment (many sw builds) Internal sw validation sw build MESAtestingConnectathon Alpha release To clinical site With IHE connectivity? sw build Beta release To clinical site With IHE connectivity? General Release to Clinical sites FieldMaintenance Verify and Publish IHE IntegrationStatement Verify and Publish IHE IntegrationStatement
4 Note “gold star” was previously awarded here time ProductconceptionRequirementsDefinition Write and/or Publish IHE IntegrationStatementSoftwareDevelopment (many sw builds) Internal sw validation sw build MESAtestingConnectathon Alpha release To clinical site With IHE connectivity? sw build Beta release To clinical site With IHE connectivity? General Release to Clinical sites FieldMaintenance Verify and Publish IHE IntegrationStatement Verify and Publish IHE IntegrationStatement
5 Connectathon gold stars history Gold stars were previously awarded for the Connectathons and there was no incentive and no repercussions for not continuing to develop the IHE software into the General Release of a product. Users were misled into thinking that a “gold star” meant the IHE connectivity was available in their product. “Gold stars” and “black dots” have been used in the past and have connotations such that they should not be used again. Need new icons. PC agreed to award “IHE connects” logo to sum of milestones
6 Candidates for recognition criteria at ACC 2007 time ProductconceptionRequirementsDefinition Draft IHE IntegrationStatementSoftwareDevelopment (many sw builds) Internal sw validation sw build MESAtestingConnectathon Alpha release To clinical site With IHE connectivity? sw build Beta release To clinical site With IHE connectivity? General Release to Clinical sites FieldMaintenance Verify and Publish IHE IntegrationStatement Verify and Publish IHE IntegrationStatement
7 Examples of Matrix VendorProductSoftware release Echo Workflow Actors: Acq Image Image Modality Mgr Display Compan y XYZ My echo cart V7.41b Cardiac PACS My EMR ABC Echo Workflow and Measurements
8 Matrix Elements Examples Integration Statement only IHE Integration Statement
9 Matrix Elements Examples Connectathon and Integration Stmt IHE Integration Statement Connectathon
10 Matrix Elements Examples All required criteria met = IHE logo IHE Integration Statement Connectathon IHE Connectivity Installation Release – Which one?!? Any?
11 Matrix Elements Criteria Recommended milestones to earn the IHE connects logo: Integration Statement Published Integration Statement Published Connectathon – (NA, Euro, Japanese) Connectathon – (NA, Euro, Japanese) IHE connectivity operating in at least one clinical site IHE connectivity operating in at least one clinical site Released in at least Alpha software release Released in at least Alpha software release
12 Other issues/notes/rules 1.Include Connectathon and results from all three Regions (North America, Europe, Japan) 2.Include results from all previous Connectathons 3.Create matrix columns for all existing IHE Cardiology + XDS Profiles (except DRPT??) 4.Recognized method to publish Integration Statement = published link on Need name of clinical site, contact at site, and list of implemented transactions at that site to attest to clinical installation 6.Need exact software revision number and some kind of internal document or press release to attest to state (alpha/beta/general release) 7.Do we note state of release (alpha/beta/general) on matrix?