“Developing a Confident Faith” Mark Mittelberg on Lake Arlington Baptist Church Lake Arlington Baptist Church
Reason 1: Design – points to an Intelligent Designer
Reason 2: Fine tuning – points to an intentional Fine Tuner
Reason 3: Information encoded into DNA – indicates a Divine Encoder
Reason 4: The beginning of the universe – shows a Divine Originator
Reason 5: Our sense of morality – points to a Moral Lawgiver
Reason 6: The Bible – a uniquely consistent religious book
Reason 7: The Bible – a uniquely historical religious book
Reason 8: The Bible – a uniquely preserved work of antiquity
Reason 9: Archaeology – shows Bible to be a powerfully verified book
Reason 10: The Bible – a uniquely honest religious book
Reason 11: Miracles – point to the prophets, apostles, and Jesus as messengers of God Miracles – point to the prophets, apostles, and Jesus as messengers of God
Reason 12: Fulfilled prophecies – point to the Bible as a divinely inspired book and Jesus as the unique Messiah of God
Reason 13: Jesus’ sinless life – the Son of God Son of God
Reason 14: Jesus’ resurrection – the Son of God Son of God
Reason 15: The emergence of the church points to the truth of its message
Reason 16: The changed lives of early skeptics affirmed the claims of Christianity
Reason 17: The willingness of disciples to die affirmed the claims of Christianity
Reason 18: Changed minds of modern skeptics provides further support
Reason 19: The testimonies of countless believers today attest to the truth of the Christian faith
Reason 20: Jesus said so – and he has the credentials!