Reminder n Please return Team Member/Self- Rating Sheet today.
The Rest of the Semester DATESHappenings Mon. Dec. 6Last day of class, course evaluations, questions answered, hand-out final exam. All revisions due. Wed. Dec. 8Grade summary via by 5:00 PM. Wed. Dec. 15Final Exam – in here at 2:00 PM or to me in any other way no later than 4:00 PM
Final Exam Information 1.Case is the E-Tronics Case. 2.Please answer the case questions on the exam page. 3.Please include the Honor Pledge on your e- mail submission. Attest to this on an submission, attach it to a hard copy submission, or bring this page to the final exam session. 4.Please abide by all of the exam requirements. 5.I will be able to answer some, but not all, questions you might have about the case.
Attributes of Excellent Organizations 1.Take a strategic orientation –Being close to the customer (but not too close) – –Having a clear business focus and goals –
2.Develop top management teams that –Have a leadership vision – –Promote a foundation of core values – Attributes of Excellent Organizations
3.Organize around the following principles: –Simple form and lean staff – –Horizontal structure and collaboration, as appropriate – Attributes of Excellent Organizations
4.Develop a corporate culture with the following characteristics: –A climate of trust – –Encouraging productivity through people – –Valuing adaptation and learning Attributes of Excellent Organizations
5.Encourage transformational leadership –Create a compelling vision – –Empower employees – Attributes of Excellent Organizations
Where Have We Been? Putting the Pieces Together The macro perspective Organizational strategy, design & effectiveness Structure IT and knowledge management Size, Life cycles & Decline MANAGING FOR FIT! Culture Conflict, power & politics Change External environment Inter-organizational relationships Designing for the int’l environment
What is Success? That person is a success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent people and the love of children; who has filled a niche and accomplished an important task; who leaves the world better than they found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who looked for the best in others and gave the best that they had. Bessie Anderson Stanley, Poet A parting thought...
The BA 152 Warranty I warrant the information you received in this course for one year or 30,000 miles, whichever comes first. Dick
If I don’t see you at the review at the final exam... Good luck and Take care!