Kentucky Regional Extension Center Status Update - Hospitals Dr. Barry Little Physician Advisor
Agenda KYREC milestones MU estimates & reports – CMS, GAO KYREC stats EHR Incentive fund distribution Q & A
KYREC – milestones Hospital Services 18 EHsStage 1 MU = 3 Jan 2011 July 2011 Oct EH, MU = 9 Aug 2012
CMS Estimate: Rate of MU by Eligible Hospitals (Low Scenario) FISCAL YEARELIGIBLE HOSPITAL % % % % % % % %
GAO Report – July 2012 16% of hospitals successfully attested to MU in 2011 PPS hospitals (18.5%) twice as likely to successfully attest as CAHs (8.2%) Urban hospitals (18.3%) -vs.- Rural hospitals (12.2%)
KYREC Stats Currently 30% (9/30) of KYREC EHs have successfully attested Stage 1 MU CAHs = 19% (4/21), RHs = 56 % (5/9) Ten (10) additional hospitals planning to attest FFY ’12 If successful, KYREC MU rate will = 63%
EHR Incentive $: Medicaid/Medicare 10% of CAH/RH nationwide have received Medicaid AUI payment KY overall = 57% KYREC hospitals = 93%; FFY’12 Projection = 100% Total Amount KY Medicaid EHs = $58M; Medicare $26M
EHR Incentive $: Medicaid/Medicare
Meaningful Use Goals Improve quality, safety, efficiency, and reduce health disparities Engage patients and families Improve care coordination Ensure adequate privacy and security protections for personal health info Improve population and public health
Staying the course “That when the sea was calm all boats alike show'd mastership in floating ;” W. Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Coriolanus Questions ?