Service book maintenance Necessary for all officials Service book will be opened from the date of first appointment in the prescribed form Not necessary for those appointed under temporary vacancies of not more than a year
Custody It should be kept in the custody of Head of the Office concerned On transfer of official to another office (under different HO), the Service book is also transferred This also applies to officials joining a new office after technical resignation
Not to be returned to the official Will remain in the custody of Head of the Office even after resignation, retirement etc. Not to be returned to officials If desired by the official, a copy can be given on a payment of Rs. 5/- as copying charges
Entries & attestation Every step in official’s career to be recorded Each entry attested by Head of the office Person attesting entries should ensure that these are correct & there are no erasures/overwriting etc Entries of Head of the office will be made by another officer appointed/next higher officer Head of the office may authorize a junior official to attest the entries. In this case entries of junior officer will be attested by Head of the office
Certain special entries Suspension- Period of suspension & other interruption should be entered with full details of its duration, reference to Order etc. Reduction to a lower post-Reasons for reduction should be briefly recorded Technical resignation-It should be clearly indicated that the benefits under Pension Rule are admissible. Reference to Order to be given with entry of relief of the official
GPF Account number & Home town To be entered on the right hand top of page 1 by means of a rubber stamp as soon as official is admitted to GPF Declaration submitted under LTC scheme to be kept in the service book after recording the entry
CGEGIS Nomination Nomination under CGEGIS will be obtained & pasted in the service book duly countersigned by Head of the Office Certificate of recovery of CGEGIS subscription will be recorded for annual deduction from January to December of an year
Need for proper maintenance Necessary to eliminate possible delay in authorization of pension. Orders of competent authority to be obtained in cases of break in service etc. invariably at the same time as occasion arises & noted in the SB In case of EOL, it should be specified whether it is with MC or without MC or for prosecution of studies
To be shown to official every year Shown every year & signature obtained GS will ensure that his/her have duly been verified & certified as such, before signing Signature of official on Foreign service will be obtained after the AO has made necessary entries connected with Foreign service A certificate to be submitted to the next higher authority every year that this showing of SB work has been completed in respect of previous financial year in all cases
Practical guidelines Name to be written in English & Hindi on the outer cover Reference to the original documents verified to be made for:- – DOB – Edu. & Technical Qualification – Caste certificates Permanent home address to be entered in Col. 11 as entered in the attestation forms (This is different from Home town address as declared for LTC)
Special kinds of leave – Maternity leave, Child care leave, study leave etc., which do not affect leave account to be entered in remark column of the body of SB Important events e.g., suspension, reversion, confirmation termination of probation, fixation in the new scale/pay band, stepping up of pay, LTC, transfer, promotion etc. to be entered giving reference to the Order Practical guidelines continued….
Verification of services Will be completed annually & certificate recorded in SB ensuring correctness of entries This verification is done with the help of pay bills. Office copy of pay bills should agree with entries in SB In some cases leave salary drawn would have been noted in the Pay bills but leave entry omitted in SB. In some cases leave entries are made in SB & leave salary adjustment would not have been made in the Pay bills in case of HPL/EOL etc. All such adjustment are required to be made before noting of verification certificate When necessary personal files/leave files must be consulted, particularly in case of suspension to see whether period counts as duty or not for pension It should be ensured that verification is done from the date following the date mentioned in the earlier certificate
Verification of services continued… In case of transfer, certificate recorded up to the date of for which pay is drawn by the office, even if it is a part of the month/year The new office will verify this with entries in LPC In case of Foreign service, certificate to be recorded by Accounts officer only On completion of 25 years of service or 5 years before retirement, verification should be completed & a certificate in prescribed form to be issued to official.
Stock of SB & periodical verification Register maintenance is important Entries to be made as & when new SBs are opened or received from other offices or sent to other offices For officials who retire should be retained for at least 3 years Such cases may be entered in separate register Stock should be verified annually from register & certified
For Group C & above A/c is maintained by DPA & Broad sheet with individual GPF statements received in the office every year after Ist April Individual sheets are distributed to the staff & receipt obtained Individual to fill the acknowledgment part of statement & to note if there is any discrepancy PM to verify it & attach credit/ debit certificate if any required & despatch the acknowledgement portions to Officer concerned of DPA
GPF module of Meghdoot-Accountant Accordingly the entries in GPF module of Meghdoot-Accountant be corrected as per Broad sheet entries & any discrepancies coming to notice It is necessary to tally entries of GPF module of Meghdoot-Accountant with the broad sheet received to run the package for further use in the year
GPF of Multitasking Group C staff Detailed PF ledger in form CAM-47 to be maintained. Also in GPF module of Meghdoot-Accountant Head of the office or person nominated by him to ensure that subscriptions, recovery of advances, & payment of advances & withdrawals are correctly entered He should ensure minimum subscription as per rules Reduction not to be made more than once in a year & enhancement more than twice in a year When subscription is reduced it should not go below 6% prescribed in the rules
GPF of Multitasking Group C staff continued….. Maintain a broad sheet in CAM-48 All deposits & withdrawals to be posted from ledger Tally the accounts Call for the pass books & make yearly entries of deposit, withdrawal & interest Deliver the PBs to officials In cases of new admissions, verify eligibility & assign new account no. with prefix of the office
GPF of Multitasking Group C staff continued….. Obtain nominations & keep in safe custody Necessary entries be made in Service book & ledger/module Schedules of deductions & withdrawals be submitted to PAO duly signed & tallied with amounts shown in bills Every year by 15 th of May an annual statement showing credits & debits during the previous year & the balances including interest thereon Discrepancies any intimated by Accounts officer be settled
On promotion to Group C GPF account should be transferred to AO concerned If the employee has not completed one year of service in Group C, account should be continued by DDO & transferred to AO on completion of one year continues service in Group C
RETURNS TO BE SUBMITTED BY HO to PAO FORTNIGHTLY :- – MO issue- I & II – MO paid- I & II – IPO sold- I & II – IPO paid- I & II – NSC/KVP issue- I & II – NSC/KVP discharged- I & II – Bill return I & II with all schedules – NPC expenditure of I & II
RETURNS TO BE SUBMITTED BY HO to PAO continued….. Monthly: – Cash Account/Accounts return with all schedules – Expenditure statement – Pension return – Bill return with all schedules – SBCO returns – Statement of unsold Saving certificates – Demand statements of Estate officers – Payments of out of account money to Cooperative Societies, Associations etc. – PLI statements to Kolkata – Returns to Outside agencies in tie ups
RETURNS TO BE SUBMITTED BY HO TO DO NPC bills for countersignature Memo. Of Pay & allowances for admittance SBCO/SB statements SB objections Minus balances Complaints statement BD statement No. of accounts opened IMTS statement Project Arrow reports Incentive/Honoraria/OTA/TA bills List of officials retiring within next 30 months Copy of punishment register Vacancy statement Rule 14/16/10 cases statement Statement of appointments made Statement of Suspension/put off duty Expenditure statement SPM monthly reports & ECB memos