Five Minutes to Medicare Meaningful Use Attestation Stage 1
Five Minutes to Medicare Meaningful Use Attestation Review the requirements for Medicare MU The Meaningful Use Measures and Workflows to capture reportable data Monitoring Compliance to MU measures Answers to frequently asked questions
Overview of the requirements for Medicare MU Doctors of Medicine or Osteopathy are Eligible for the Medicare MU incentive Program The physician must have billed $24,000 of Medicare Allowable charges during the year the attestation period occurs to receive the maximum payment. Register for the Incentive Program on the CMS Website: Meet all 15 CORE measure requirements including reporting on 6 Clinical Quality Measures or CQMs over a 90 day period by the end of 2012 Meet 5 of the 10 MENU measure requirements over the same 90 day period Some of the measures require only a simple answer others require quantifiable data including constructing ratios with numerators and denominators using discrete data.
The Measures and Workflows to capture reportable MU data The Meaningful Use CORE and MENU set measures are listed on the simplifyMD Website in simplifyMD University. The Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs) and Clinical Decision Support Rules are also detailed. Review each measure with your staff to understand how your practice can meet the measure requirements and what data is needed, where the data needs to be recorded and by whom. All discrete data needed to report compliance to the Meaningful Use Measures resides in the Face sheet in simplifyMD
Monitoring Compliance to MU Measures The reporting tools for monitoring the Physician’s compliance to the MU measures can be preset in your sMD application by our Customer Support Department. You simply have to send an to requesting the reports, specifying the provider’s name and the time period desired. Your reports will be under Tools/Reports/Patients/ Clinical Quality Measures in your sMD application The reports will keep an ongoing tally of compliance if the time period extends into a future date. If the time period requested is in the past, the report will be static.
Clinical Quality Measures
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions The simplifyMD application 12.0 AND 12.1 CCHIT certification is SBPEEAK The Eligible Provider may have someone else register and attest to MU on the CMS website The Patient Health Record (PHR) portal satisfies the requirement for the health record to be provided in an electronic format In sMD, Patients are automatically given a label when they are given access to the PHR and when they have 2 or more appointments.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (Cont.) Detailed information regarding transmission of syndromic and immunization data can be found on sMD University under Meaningful Use / Attestation. You may go to for more information.