Meaningful Use Jacqueline L. Candelaria ABQ Area Program Analyst April 25, 2012
What is Meaningful Use and how does it affect us “Meaningful Use” simply put is using “CERTIFIED” EHR technology in a meaningful way to: Improve quality, safety, efficiency, and reduce health disparities Engage patients and families in their health care Improve care coordination All the while maintaining privacy and security
Meaningful Use CMS provides incentive payments to promote adoption and meaningful use of a certified EHR. Eligible providers can apply for Medicare OR Medicaid
Eligible Providers Eligible Providers (based on calendar year, CY) MedicaidMedicare Starting DatesStart by CY End by Start by CY End by Penalty if not enrolled by Requirements for Year 1Need: Adopt/Implement /Update certified EHR (Stage 1). Need: Demonstrate MU ( objectives, electronic exchange, 6 clinical measures) Eligible Providers [Choose Medicaid or Medicare] not both Include: MD, NP/Midwife, DDS, PA in FQHC. Need: >30% Paid Medicaid patients. Pay: up to $63,750/EP over 5 yrs.. Include: MD, DO, DDS/DMD, DPM, OD. Pay: up to $44,000/EP over 5 yrs..
Timeline for Eligible Professionals to Avoid Payment Adjustment EP Payment Adjustment (CY) Establish MU for full CY-2 yrs. prior orEP Demonstrating MU for 1 st time in yr. prior to payment adjustment yr/continuous 90 days reporting period beginning no later than: OrApply for an Exception no later than: 2015CY 2013 (with submission 2 months following reporting period) July 3, 2014 (with submission no later than October 1, 2014) July 1, CY 2014July 3, 2015 (Oct )July 1, CY 2015July 3, 2016 (Oct )July 1, CY 2018July 3, 2017 (Oct )July 1, CY 2019July 3, 2018 (Oct )July 1, 2018
Certified EHR RPMS/EHR is certified Dentrix 6.0 is not certified however if you use both the RPMS/EHR and Dentrix you are ELIGIBLE to participate (currently it would be dual entry)
What are the requirements for dentists to participate? Must meet same eligibility requirements as other eligible EP’s – 15 Core measures; 5 from menu set of their choosing – 6 CQM’s; 3 core and 3 from menu set of their choosing (Several MU objectives have exclusion criteria and will need to evaluate whether they meet the exclusion for each applicable objective as there is no blanket exclusion by type of EP)
How can dental qualify for the EHR Incentive Program Enter the problem list, medication list, medication allergy data, etc. directly in the EHR (RPMS) – NOTE: If data is entered in the dental “front end” package it does not pass through to RPMS and this would not meet the MU criteria.
How can dentists participate Capture data such as demographics and vitals; it is interfaced to the RPMS PCC database RPMS MU Performance measures reports access this data from the PCC database and not the EDR. When this procedure is followed CMS has determined that no independent certification of the IHS/EDR is necessary to achieve MU
Stage 2 CQM New Measure Proposed new measure: – Children who have dental decay or cavities – Assesses if children aged 1-17 years have had tooth decay or cavities in the past 6 months
Performance Report MU is a team effort, patient registration, nursing, pharmacy, laboratory, health information management, IT and providers. See attached report on a dental provider – NOTE: Dental Providers within the ABQ Area have AIU’d for Medicaid and their facility will be receiving a MU incentive payment of $21,
Take-Aways Medicaid EHR Incentive Program Voluntary program for states to incentivize eligible providers to meaningfully use CEHRT to improve health, improve care delivery, and reduce per capita costs Provider eligibility is determined by type of provider, location of service, and patient volume Providers register with CMS, and then attest through SMAs, which may vary by state Medicaid provider may AIU in first participation year, but must demonstrate MU thereafter Providers must report MU (functional) measures and CQMs electronically by 2013