The Cold War Post WWII Occupation of Germany and Japan Chapter 25
Occupation of Germany Allied leaders meet in Potsdam, Germany, in July of 1945 to decide how to handle postwar Germany. This is known as the Potsdam Conference. Truman, Churchill, and Stalin discussed occupation of Germany. During this time Britain’s new prime minister, Clement Attlee replaced Churchill.
Occupation of Japan Allied supreme commander Douglas MacArthur, his staff, and a new Japanese congress ran the country. This new government made important economic reforms, allowed labor unions to organize and broke up the zaibatsu. The zaibatsu were huge corporations run by single families that had monopolized the Japanese economy.
Emperor Hirohito
Hirohito and MacArtur
War Crimes Nuremberg Trials Former rallying place of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. Witnesses gave accounts of Nazi atrocities. Germans were blamed for the planning the war, committing war crimes, and other crimes against humanity. Hermann GoringHermann Goring Commander of the German Air Force.Commander of the German Air Force. Was 2 nd in line to Hitler.Was 2 nd in line to Hitler.
Heinrich Himmler Chief of German Police, overseer of camps.
Joeseph Goebbels Nazi Propaganda leader.
Rudolph Hess Hitler’s Deputy.
Adolph Eichmann Architect of the holocaust.
The United Nations In 1945, 50 nations met in San Francisco to draw up a charter for the United Nations. Headquarters are in New York City.
The Founding of Israel After WWII, European Jews settle in Palestine. The UN creates a partition plan for Palestine. British forces withdraw from Palestine. State of Israel is proclaimed UN plan divides Jerusalem.