Event A: The UN’s Plan for Palestine The situation: Britain issues the Balfour Declaration This supports the creation of a homeland for Jews in Palestine Palestinians (90% of population) strongly oppose plan Jewish immigration increases to the region and fighting between the groups intensifies After WWII, Britain – realizing it has lost control - turns over the land to the United Nations (1947)
Your choices: A. Make Palestine one state, and hold democratic elections to set the foundation for a democratic, secular (nonreligious) state. B. Make part of Palestine into a Jewish state, and annex the Arab part of Palestine to the neighboring nation of Transjordan. C. Divide Palestine into 2 states, an Arab state and a Jewish state. Make Jerusalem an international zone administered by the UN. D. Keep Palestine as a United Nations mandate until violence between Jews and Arabs ceases and peace is secure.
Your choices: A. Make Palestine one state, and hold democratic elections to set the foundation for a democratic, secular (nonreligious) state. B. Make part of Palestine into a Jewish state, and annex the Arab part of Palestine to the neighboring nation of Transjordan. C. Divide Palestine into 2 states, an Arab state and a Jewish state. Make Jerusalem an international zone administered by the UN. D. Keep Palestine as a United Nations mandate until violence between Jews and Arabs ceases and peace is secure.
Event B: The 1948 War The situation: The UN has divided Palestine into a Jewish state, an Arab state, and a UN-controlled international zone of Jerusalem Jewish state called Israel Jews = ; Arabs = Arab troops from surrounding nations attack Israel But Israel fights back and captures most of the Arab land proposed by the UN About 900,000 Palestinians flee the fighting and become refugees Palestinians demand to either be allowed to return to homes or be compensated for lost land/property Israelis claim Palestinians chose to leave and their army rightfully won the land after Arabs attacked Israel.
Your choices: A. Pass a resolution demanding that Israel, Egypt, and Jordan return land to Palestinian refugees so they can form a Palestinian state. B. Do nothing, because the Israelis were attacked and simply struck back at the aggressor Arab nations. The Palestinians must suffer the consequences of losing. C. Set up a fund to support Palestinian refugees with food and shelter. Pass a resolution demanding that Israel compensate Palestinian refugees for lost land and property.
Your choices: A. Pass a resolution demanding that Israel, Egypt, and Jordan return land to Palestinian refugees so they can form a Palestinian state. B. Do nothing, because the Israelis were attacked and simply struck back at the aggressor Arab nations. The Palestinians must suffer the consequences of losing. C. Set up a fund to support Palestinian refugees with food and shelter. Pass a resolution demanding that Israel compensate Palestinian refugees for lost land and property.
Event C: The 1967 War The Situation: The PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) founded to regain Palestine and eliminate Israel. Israel feels continuously threatened by its neighbors and terrorist attacks Launches surprise attack against Egypt and Syria Israel takes the West Bank from Jordan and the Gaza Strip and Sinai peninsula from Egypt So, all the Palestinians who were under Jordanian control and Egyptian control come under Israeli control This equates to 1.5 million Palestinians. These areas become known as the Occupied Territories.
Your choices: A. Support Israel against its hostile Arab neighbors by recognizing Israel’s capture of the Occupied Territories. B. Pass a resolution condemning the military conquest, refuse to acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and demand the return of the Occupied Territories. C. Send the peacekeeping forces into the Occupied Territories to act as a buffer between Israeli soldiers and Palestinians and to guard the borders against further fighting. D. Establish an international commission to study the situation in Israel/Palestine and devise a plan to bring peace to the region.
Your choices: A. Support Israel against its hostile Arab neighbors by recognizing Israel’s capture of the Occupied Territories. B. Pass a resolution condemning the military conquest, refuse to acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and demand the return of the Occupied Territories C. Send the peacekeeping forces into the Occupied Territories to act as a buffer between Israeli soldiers and Palestinians and to guard the borders against further fighting. D. Establish an international commission to study the situation in Israel/Palestine and devise a plan to bring peace to the region.
Resolution 242 Resolution 242 – Calls for Israel to give back territory won in war. However, contains vague language. Doesn’t say Israel has to give back ALL the territory, just that it has to give back territory Israel responds by giving back the Sinai peninsula only.
Event D: The Intifada (1980s) The Situation: Intifada means “uprising” or “shaking off” in Arabic. Israeli forces in the Occupied Territories are believed to be harassing Palestinians Leads to increased unity and anti-Israeli activity among Palestinians Arab people try to protest the Israelis Kids throw rocks at Israeli soldiers and soldiers retaliate with tanks and guns – famous photos
The Intifada: Results Israeli troops demolish homes and businesses, arrest thousands More than 1,000 Palestinians die; 37,000 are wounded
Your choices: A. Pass a resolution condemning Israeli human rights violations committed against Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. B. Send peacekeeping forces into the Occupied Territories to stop the violence. C. Take no action because the Intifada is an internal Israeli affair. D. Send a Special Commission into the Occupied Territories to study Palestinian living conditions as a first step to ending the Intifada.
Your choices: A. Pass a resolution condemning Israeli human rights violations committed against Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. B. Send peacekeeping forces into the Occupied Territories to stop the violence. C. Take no action because the Intifada is an internal Israeli affair. D. Send a Special Commission into the Occupied Territories to study Palestinian living conditions as a first step to ending the Intifada.
So what happened next? Eventually, moderate PLO leaders like Yasser Arafat accept Israel’s right to exist In 1993, PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin shake hands and sign a peace agreement It says: Israel will withdraw from Gaza and the West Bank (i.e. the Occupied Territories) Palestine will self-rule
So what’s happening now? 2005 – Israel leaves the Gaza Strip Palestinians democratically elect terrorist/militant organization called Hamas Hamas controlled Gaza Strip but elected out – (This group does not accept Israel’s right to exist) But Israel still controls most borders of Gaza Dec January 2009 – Israel launches air strikes and ground strikes against targets in Gaza
United Nations UN Resolution 1860: calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza and a full Israeli withdrawal More than 1,300 Palestinians and 13 Israelis were killed in the 22-day war
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