By: Elizabeth McCarthy THE WAR IN SYRIA By: Elizabeth McCarthy
Quick Overview A little bit bigger than North Dakota Syrian Flag A little bit bigger than North Dakota Bordered by Lebanon, Israel, Turkey, Iraq, and Jordan Government: republic under a military regime President: Bashar al-Assad Syrian Flag: Syria Map Pinpoint: Screen Shot of my Iphone search in Google Maps United States Map: Information: “Syria.” infoplease. Pearson Education, 2000-2012. Web. (May 21, 2012).
History of the War Unrest began in March, 2011 when the Tunisian revolution reached Syria Citizens in a small town protested the treatment of students, who put up anti-government graffiti Government responded with heavy force President Bashar al-Assad: force or reform? April 2011: after hints of reform, Assad had major crackdowns Sent tanks into restive cities to open fire on protestors Soldiers began to turn on the government U.N. referred to this as “the verge of civil war” Syrian National Council formed Conflict comes down to ethnic divisions: Assad's and nation’s elite= Alawite Sunni Muslims= Insurgents Information: “Syria.” The New York Times. The New York Times Company, May 16, 2012. Web. (May 16, 2012). Walt, Vivienne. “Escape from Syria.” Time Magazine. March 2012. Print. Comparison Map: A screen shot from my Iphone from a Google Maps search Protest Picture:
Response from other countries Syria is a strategic nexus Assad has been condemned around the world Arab League has called him to step down Expelled from the league Pressed China and Russia to break their ties with his regime United Nations Truce monitors Cease fire Lebanon is allowing Sunni’s to flee to refugee camps “Government brutality shames the world …into paying attention” -TIME Magazine Information: Walt, Vivienne. “Escape from Syria.” Time Magazine. March 2012. Print. “Syria.” The New York Times. The New York Times Company, May 16, 2012. Web. (May 20, 2012). Associated Press. (App on my Iphone) “UN monitors brings lull to Syria hotspot; Annan hopes bigger observer team can salvage truce.” April 22, 2012. Web. (March 3, 2012). Associated Press. “Syria Accepts U.N. plan.” The Richmond Times Dispatch. March 28, 2012. A4. Print. Arab League Picture:
Who is reporting? TIME Magazine Cover: Richmond Times Dispatch Picture: The Free-Lance Star: The New York Times: The Boston Globe: The Associated Press: BBC News: ABC: NBC:
What did I benefit from? Print or Online? About the same Many options online Television More interesting Able to see Radio Descriptive Interesting
Works Cited Associated Press. (App on my Iphone) “UN monitors brings lull to Syria hotspot; Annan hopes bigger observer team can salvage truce.” April 22, 2012. Web. (March 3, 2012). Associated Press. “Syria Accepts U.N. plan.” The Richmond Times Dispatch. March 28, 2012. A4. Print. “Syria.” infoplease. Pearson Education, 2000-2012. Web. (May 21, 2012). “Syria.” The New York Times. The New York Times Company, May 16, 2012. Web. (May 16, 2012). Walt, Vivienne. “Escape from Syria.” Time Magazine. March 2012. Print. Syria Map Pinpoint: Screen Shot of my Iphone search in Google Maps Comparison Map: A screen shot from my Iphone from a Google Maps search g/650px-Map_of_USA_with_state_names_2.svg.png