RBU Synopsis Format
General details Submit of completed Research Proposal in 8 copies. The proposal detailing should not be less than 3000 words. This excludes Bibliographical references. Your statement should be very clear, methodical and logical. Consider using simple sentences and avoid word-jugglery. You may use audio or/and A-V materials during your Proposal Defense before the Higher Degrees Committee. You should mention about these materials in your synopsis.
Proposal Format Title of Thesis Introduction This should include the followings: Background of study Historical/Theoretical/Empirical background Major objectives and scope of study Major implications/justifications/importance of the study Brief review of documents related to your research Structured summaries of not more than 10 items Topic, methodology, output After review Major Research Gaps should be identified.
Proposal Format - 2 Major Research Questions and Hypothesis to indicate original contribution in the field. This will mention Major issues / relationships /aspects Methodology Citation and Bibliography Use international Reference Style like Chicago Style, APA or Harvard Style.
Suggestion : 1 The department suggests that you go for a Pilot Research before you actually prepare your final Research Proposal. Many of the topics may address: 1. What? [the phenomenon] 2. Who? [Person or group] 3. Where? [Place] 4. When? [Period of occurrence] 5. Why? [Reason for occurrence] 6. How? [Reasons for occurrence/s and applications] The above order may be different for different research focus. The top one will be the main Research Focus.
Suggestion - 2 Please remember that your thesis MUST offer some NEWS and should NOT be a long essay on some topic.
Suggestions - 3 Write the ‘Title of Research’ at the end. Design your Title of Research after you complete your pre-research exercises and when you are clear about your Research Problem and Method of Research. [Read, Think and Talk and design a Pilot Research Project.]
That is all for now. More may come later. THANK YOU!