HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN CLASS Presented by Annie Jones, TRiO
Learn to adapt to each instructor … quickly Start with and maintain a positive attitude Figure out what is expected of you from the beginning (homework, participation, attendance) Observe the instructors teaching style, expectations and personality
Be prepared for every class Keep your tank full -- get enough rest, exercise and eat well Do all assigned readings, and then Skim the material for key words and main ideas Take notes on readings and jot down any questions you have
Studies show… Easier to see, hear, fewer distractions Know what works best for you Do NOT sit in the back and text or doodle! Sit in the front whenever possible
Be a good group member This is a life skill Do your part…well Respect diverse ideas, be patient and open- minded Be positive and supportive Don’t depend on someone else to do your work
Be on time … every time Better yet, be early to go over notes, socialize with peers, check in with the instructor Announcements are usually made at the beginning, summaries at the end If you draw attention to yourself often as the “late student” or the “early departer” it seems that you don’t care about the material or respect the instructor
Participate in class It shows you are interested in the material Helps make real connections with the lessons Don’t worry about getting something wrong - it helps when we actively struggle with new ideas Always get your money’s worth!
Communicate with your instructors They like to get to know you Be proactive - instructors aren’t mind-readers Don’t hesitate to bring up questions, problems or concerns Meet during office hours, before/after class, or send
Meet with or talk to your TRiO counselor at least once each month during the semester Talk to one of us before you become overwhelmed by Academic Personal Life The Balancing Act Remember, we ’ re here to support you …