Safe Hands How to prepare notes ? By: Dr. Nitin Oke. Safe Hands Notes Bio
Safe Hands 1.Detailed Notes-Outlining, Summaries 2.Question-Answer structure 3.Information sortingSymbolic Semantic Visual 4.Micro-notes= Rearrangement of Matter Cards with key wordsOutline form ChartsOutline Concept map / tree Table form Flow chart Figural charts Different types of notes
Safe Hands Make groups of six students each and prepare some thing by your choice Class work Concept map of Vectors Tabular form of Nature of chemical bond Prepare figural chart of functional group Tree of basic and other forces Tabular form of Trigonometric functions Prepare figural chart of vector operations
Safe Hands Just making notes is not sufficient need to learn How to keep notes? Keeping Notes –L–Loose sheets –R–Ring file –M–Margins –O–Ordered, –C–Classified, –L–Labeled –N–Neatness, –P–Paper quality,
Safe Hands Don’t come to any conclusion, and mark any thing in first reading In the beginning use pencil and not permanent ink / highlighters Survey, Question, Spot answers with check marks Careful second reading with introduction of Built-in markers : Boxes Italics, Color Bold, Preparing notes from references or your own notes ! ?
Safe Hands Going through the notes Reading at varying speeds, –Scanning, –Skimming, –Searching, –Intensive, –Selective,
Safe Hands Going through the notes Identify essential points and structure –Word omission, –Compression, –Synonyms, –Abbreviations Sequencing may be by -Importance, –Priority, –Cause-effect Outlining Points & Sub points, Visual Displays
Safe Hands 1. You gain - Active participation in learning More remembering from forced recitations Helps in follow-up revisions Combining different books and references No lunches are free lunches 2. You loose - * Time
Safe Hands What to do next? Do you have notes of this lecture? If not, then you lack in intention If yes, then don’t waste your time start trying to have notes of topics you have completed. Remember to say - - -
Safe Hands I can I will I did