Practices to enjoy, and practices to run a mile from.


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Presentation transcript:

Practices to enjoy, and practices to run a mile from

Surya Bhedana Our right nostril is energetically associated with our body's heating energy, symbolized by the "Sun" and the syllable HA, our left nostril with our body's cooling energy, symbolized by the "Moon" and the syllable THA. In the average person these energies are typically in conflict, which leads to disquiet and disease. The goal of traditional Hatha Yoga is to integrate and harmonize HA and THA for happiness and health. Sit in a comfortable asana and make Mrigi Mudra. For Surya Bhedana block your left nostril and inhale through your right. Then close the right and exhale through the left. Continue in this manner, inhale right, exhale left, for 1 to 3 minutes. For Chandra Bhedana, simply reverse the instructions in, inhaling always through your left nostril, exhaling through your right. Again continue for 1 to 3 minutes.

Ujjayi pranayama Ujjayi means rising victoriously. When practiced regularly the chest and torso remain up giving the practitioner a look of pride. Ujjayi pranayama is the roots of yoga breathing techniques. It is the foundation of proper breathing and one of the most comonly practiced yoga breathing techniques. In Ujjayi pranayama the body becomes a musical instrument. The ears and mind continually listening and fine tuning this instrument to create the perfect sounds during inhalation and exhalation. Ancient yoga practitioners believed that life could be measured by the amount of breaths that are taken. For this reason Ujjayi is used to lengthen the breath and lengthen the span of life. An unsteady breath leads to an unsteady mind therefore Ujjayi is also practiced to smoothe the flow of breath and harmonize the breathing rhythms.

Sitkari Pranayama “The air passing via tongue, cools the blood, lowering the temperature of the blood. This type of Pranayama removes excess heat in the body. Also the diseases like acidity, hypertension etc. This Pranayama harmonizes the secretions of reproductive organs and all the endocrine system. Also it improves digestion, lowers High Blood pressure, purifies the blood”. UTTER NONSENSE?

Sitali Pranayama Has a cooling effect, because the tongue is moist and a lot of evaporation takes place. This is the main way dogs cool down, although they are not so good at rolling the tongue! Good on a hot day or after a hot practice

Bhastrika You should exercise caution against the temptation of pushing too far in your initial practice of Bellows. If you have the tendency to push the limit, lie down when doing this exercise since there is a risk of losing consciousness and fall on the floor. Forced breathing makes you relaxed and revitalized. Excess in practice may induce dizziness, drowsiness and loss of consciousness. No harm can come from hyperventilation as long as you are in bed. If you happen to lose consciousness, your breathing pattern will tend to rectify itself and return to normal. Excessive ventilation results to lightheartedness, giddiness or a feeling that you are floating in the air.


Brahmari pranayama Brahmari means Bumble bee. In this breathing practice your lips are supposed to be shut, and you are supposed to gently and smoothly make a sound like a humming bee in your throat. This simple practice is very helpful in making the breath smooth and quieting the mind.


Murccha Pranayama One should inhale through both the nostrils, the kumbhaka with Bandhas, but while exhaling the Jalandhar Bandha (Chin Lock) is kept intact and then exhalation is done with the Jalandhar bandha (Chin lock). Excess pressure is exerted on carotid sinus during exhalation with Jalandhar bandha, which further reduces blood pressure and one can experience a state of unconsciousness with practice.

Plavini pranayama Breathe in with ease. Relax at the top of the breath for a moment without straining the heart. Exhale with ease and relax the muscles as much as possible. After exhalation relax. Wait until a strong signal is sent from the nevel chakra. It feels like a spark. Catch it and inhale. Try to lengthen the time of stillness after exhalation.