Wildcare Ongoing Project Log
10/09/2012 I spent this lesson getting to grips with the project and starting to complete my plan. I created the folders in which I need to save my work and created a sources table. I also chose my test buddy (Anuna Calvin) and my test users (Natalia Watrobska and Louisa O’Hare). This completed the ‘Getting Organised’ task, and I started to create my plan.
13/09/2012 I had done some further work on my Initial Plan at home, so I continued with this during the lesson, starting to add in planned start and end dates, as well as checkpoints and deadlines. I also started to decide on how to allocate contingency time within the project, in case I fall behind on timing or underestimate how long it will take me to do something.
24/09/2012 In this lesson I started to design my database, collecting evidence as I went along. I formatted all the data types and wrote descriptions for each field. I created validation rules and started to collate the evidence I collected in a PowerPoint presentation.
27/09/2012 I carried on with my database evidence PowerPoint, collecting evidence as I formatted the database. However, I am almost finished and will probably be able to import my data next lesson.
08/10/2012 In this lesson I continued to put together my database evidence. I did not manage to finish my evidence PowerPoint in the lesson in time to import my data, so I will finish this at home.
11/10/2012 In this lesson, I started on my Membership Fees. It was quite confusing, but after a while I came to understand it better. I am still in the process of creating the spread sheet but I am collecting evidence along the way. I have also started to create an evidence log for the Membership Fees task.
22/10/2012 I continued to work on my Membership Fees and the evidence PowerPoint during the lesson. I still find it hard to understand the spreadsheet, but the more I work on it, the more I understand it.
25/10/2012 I completed my Membership Fees and saved it. I had to spend a lot of time trying to break even as it was hard to get the profit as low as I could.
12/11/2012 This lesson I started to work on my reports. It was quite easy, although I had difficulty with formatting on Access. The columns and such were difficult to format and change, so this took quite a bit of time. I also had difficulty with choosing my queries.
15/11/2012 I missed this lesson, but I caught up at home by updating my on-going plan and working on my reports.
10/12/2012 I continued my work on my reports. They got deleted previous to the lesson as part of a saving error so I had to start it again. I managed to rectify this and save them as PDFs.
07/01/2013 This lesson I finished my reports and started the membership card. I mainly had to go through my reports and make sure that they are consistent. They all look the same and so I decided not to make them more elaborate.
10/01/2012 I did the first draft of my membership card and started the second draft. It is simple to do but formatting it so that it will print right is quite difficult.
21/01/2012 I finished the membership card for homework, so I started the leaflet in this lesson. I have done my first draft and some of my second draft. I am going to do my pack folder at home to save lesson time.
24/01/2013 I am close to finishing the leaflet. I have been collecting feedback and have used this to improve the leaflet as I work on it. I am planning to continue doing my pack folder at home.
04/02/2013 I started my presentation in the lesson. The main difficulty is the speaker notes because they are quite hard to make both concise and informative.
07/02/2013 I continued to make the presentation in the lesson and will finish it at home.
28/02/2013 I am writing my review at home, so in this lesson I aimed to complete small tasks, such as collecting evidence and feedback.
11/03/2013 I started my e-Portfolio in this lesson. I am using a mind map to attach all of my work and write short introductions.
14/03/2013 I tried to make an animated banner for my e-portfolio with Adobe Flash today, but I was unable to make it work when I exported it, so I may decide not to use an animated banner.
25/03/2013 This lesson, I did more work on my e- Portfolio, attaching pictures and formatting it.
28/03/2013 This lesson I worked on putting all of my files into my e-portfolio and I nearly finished, so I’ll finish it outside of lesson time.
22/04/2013 I worked on rollover images this lesson. It’s quite difficult but with help from my test buddy I was able to understand how it works. I used Dreamweaver to make my rollover images and to format it.
25/04/2013 This lesson is the last lesson, so I tried to finish as much as I could. I am very close to finishing, so I will work at home and be able to hand it in next week.