Ch 10: The Ethics of Diversity: Gender
Rethinking the History of Ethical Theory Women’s voices have been excluded from the canon. Autonomous man – an ethics of strangers, odd from a feminist perspective. Social contract theory – disadvantages women, glue of society is not contract but family Impartiality and Universality – invalidates moral priority of intimate relationships Absence of embodiment – res cogitans not embodied beings
Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development Preconventional morality: early childhood: Stage One: desire to avoid punishment Stage Two: Tit for tat Conventional morality: adolescence and adulthood Stage three: Good boy/ nice girl orientation Stage four: Rule following Post conventional morality: rarely reached Stage five: social construct orientation Stage six: universal justice, reciprocity, equality and respect
The Ethics of Care Carol Gilligan – began research on moral development with draft resisters then shifted to female subjects on the subject of abortion when the draft ended in 1973. Metaphor of voice – instead of theory or perspective. Women’s voices didn’t fit Kohlberg’s stages: care rather than justice Women emerge as more concerned about relationships, emotional connectedness and caregiving. Voice varies internally regarding masculine and feminine approaches to morality, as well as between the genders.
Rethinking the Foundations of Ethics Ethics as conversation: conversation not argument. Inclusive conversation: women and people of color need to be involved. New issues emerge: domestic violence, child abuse, family leave, responsibilities toward elderly parents. Caution against using morality to justify violence: honor, domestic violence, suppression.
Caring and Act Utilitarianism Both are consequentialist and address pleasures and pains. Care ethic calculates differently: Extent to which people might be hurt by a particular decision Degree to which a particular decision might diminish the sense of connectedness among participants of the situation. Emotions more important.
Feminine and Feminist Ethics Feminine ethics: emphasize women’s moral voices, often an ethics of care, following Gilligan. Feminist ethics focusses on women’s oppression and argues for policies to rectify past injustices. Power and inequality stressed. Conditions for feminist ethics from Alison Jagger: Sensitive to gender inequalities Understand individual actions in the context of broader social practices. Provide guidance on issues traditionally seen as private, e.g., personal relationships and family. Take the moral experience of women seriously
Public and Private Realms Feminist ethics emphasizes moral scrutiny in the private realm generally confined to women, children persons or color and persons with disabilities. Family issues – equal treatment of men and women at home, in workplace. Power issues: patriarchy, rape, reproductive freedom, sexism in language, harassment, pornography, poverty.
Queer and Transgender Theories Reconsider the notion of gender identity and sexual orientation and domination entailed. Reconsider “the natural.” Reconsider dichotomous thinking: male/female Emergence of transgender theory.