St Loyes Foundation Work Programme Analysis
Background & Context St Loyes took over delivery September office locations across north Devon Almost 1000 clients 9 client groups Over 50 active Employer relationships Approx 50 referrals each month
Client Journey Client referred by Local JCP Client has induction and individual assessment Client assigned Consultant 96% 100 % Aspirations, Needs, Barriers, Goal setting. Delivery design “Black Box” Intervention Invention 85% Job Start 19 % 26 weeks 13 %
Contractual Targets 9 Payment Groups, but only 3 groups targeted, PG1 – JSA Yrs Old, PG2 – JSA 25+, PG6 – ESA Flow. Targeted on % of referrals not attachments. Dictate “Market Shift” Also give good indication of weaknesses in delivery.
Targeted Performance – St Loyes WP Year 2 (April 2012 to date) PG1 JSA 18-24PG2 JSA 25+PG6 ESA FLOW Referrals Attached First jobs24323 Job entry rate41%26%8.5% Target (DWP)33%27.5%16.5% Outcomes10 (41%)17 (53%) 2 (66%)
Specialist Provision for Work programme St Loyes have been delivering Specialist Health provision for Work Programme since July Approximatly 200 clients receiving specialist help in getting back to work. Working within Prime provider offices creating an on site specialist resource Both Working Links and Prospects.
Future Challenges Growing number of ESA clients. Emphasis on regional economic climate. Increasing demand for Specialist In Work Support staff. Reduction in services and specialist intervention. Increasing demand for austerity. Increasing demand for Specialist services.
Summary St Loyes intention to use its Specialist Skills to rectify the low Job Entry rate for ESA clients. Attention needed on providing support for those that have gone into work to attain 26 weeks + sustainment. “Black Box” facility of the contract needs a re-think to maximise the skill set of the team and St Loyes as a whole. Market Shift would mean an increase in referrals. Employers still play the crucial role.