Nick Spenceley, Principal & Chief Executive John Driver, Deputy Principal Curriculum & Quality Ofsted Briefing No 1 9 September 2014
We are at the 2 nd highest level of readiness Steady flow of information and support Key strengths and weaknesses “Feel” for college strategy Theme of the week Teaching and learning tips/priorities
What are Ofsted after? The Sequel... Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat
Ofsted outcomes
| 6 What Seevic College needs to do to improve further: Ensure that attendance and punctuality are consistently good across all areas of the college and in particular at the Basildon campus and on intermediate level courses by: making teaching and learning more interesting and stimulating for learners; emphasising to tutors the importance of challenging poor punctuality and setting clear expectations for learners to attend lessons; and taking immediate actions to reinforce with learners the need to attend college regularly as an important part of developing their employability skills. Increase the amount of good and outstanding teaching and learning through: tutors having a greater focus on learners’ individual needs in lessons and high expectations of what learners can achieve; and further development of the good arrangements already in place to use observations of teaching and learning and advanced teaching practitioners to identify ways in which tutors can improve their teaching practice. DI-08 Formal feedback slides
| 7 What Seevic College needs to do to improve further: Carry out a rigorous analysis across all areas of the college of why male learners perform much less successfully than their female counterparts. Ensure that the relevant faculties have detailed action plans and targets in place for how they intend to improve success rates for men and that student services throughout the college review the ways in which they can better support male learners who are at risk of not achieving. Strengthen the existing arrangements for quality improvement to lessen the significant variations in the performance of different subject areas throughout the college. Make better use of the wealth of accurate and useful data produced by the college, the detailed monitoring carried out of key performance indicators and the self-critical reports produced to bring about much swifter and more effective interventions to rectify under-performance and to ensure greater consistency in learners’ experiences in all subject areas. DI-08 Formal feedback slides
Get the basics right...consistently!
Progress made by learners Value Added Success Rates Progress made in lessons
Meeting the needs of all learners Individual needs - I can only work with large quantities of CAKE! Key Groups – Who are they? Use of Class Profiles Make sure lesson plans are evident Setting clear targets
Literacy and Numeracy Getting them to level 2...and beyond... Role for all courses and all levels and all staff
Employability: Attendance and Punctuality among other things % attendance and no lates...well nearly with some gentle persuasion? Developing those other skills that matter...
Strategy (1) No need to “parrot” our strategy, but keep general awareness: Focus on teaching and learning – the Teaching and learning strategy places learners at the heart, while having a strong focus on their commitment and discipline. The college is recovering its 6 th Form heritage with a renewed focus on quality and choice Alongside this we have a new Vocational Strategy which addresses economic relevance, employers requirements for skills, STEM and English/Maths, and “a line of sight to work”. The CORE will advance this.
Strategy (2) We also have strong apprenticeship provision and clear niches for HE, Essential Skills and community learning. While we have restructured, we have a strong pool of internal talent and have a policy of seeking to source our own staff for promotion.