Approaches in motivating employees to be active in large companies Fit4duty: an Intervention to Determine the Effectiveness of E- Counselling in Increasing Exercise and Exercise Self Efficacy with an Garda Siochana.
Aims of the Study Analyse if computer automated guidance could be advantageous to An Garda Siochana in increasing or maintaining activity levels. Examine the effect of the intervention on exercise self efficacy, self esteem, stress and physiological components.
Objectives Research the effects of using e counselling in promoting PA; Change behaviour and develop self efficacy of An Garda Siochana towards PA/Ex using e counselling; Fitness test all new recruits, prescribe exercise programmes and monitor changes via e counselling; Investigate a cost effective way to deliver PA/EX motivational messages to An Garda Siochana
Rationale for the Study Left to each individual to maintain their own level of fitness; Some officers will lead a sedentary life but the vast majority will be active in their endeavours to maintain physical fitness; Fitness is often called upon at short notice; Many members have found they lose any fitness gained during training in Templemore.
Rationale for the Study Loss of physical fitness can be on a temporary basis depending on work demands or can lead to a complete loss in physical fitness and physical activity participation. Marshall, Owen & Bauman (2004) emphasize that there is a strong case for the potential of internet delivered interventions - dearth of literature
Rationale for the Study Research has highlighted that health promotion providers will need to customize interventions to make them meaningful to the individual.
Pre and Post Test Outline Phase 1 Garda College 22 weeks - Pre Test (Phys & Psych Testing) – E counselling Phase 2 Training Station 22 weeks – E counselling Phase 3 Garda College 12 weeks - Post Test - Qualitative study online survey Phase 4 Permanent Station 34 weeks – Next phase Phase 5 Garda College 4 weeks – Future studies
At all stages of training there are physical tests to be passed. After two years training each member who is successful in all disciplines of training and performance is a graduated member of An Garda Siochana, with a BA in Policing. This career can span thirty years, without another physical assessment. Control group (n=218) Intervention group (n=232) Subjects:
Outline of Intervention Intervention: Comprised of E counselling encompassing generic to all subjects once a week; Subjects: Were encouraged to reply to generic for specific personal s (online personal training) relating to their health and fitness screening; Physiological fitness: Results were used so that personal goals could be set for each subject.
Internet interventions: E counselling: Comprised of motivational messages, health information, sports specific information, specific physical activity/fitness information for Gardai, goal setting, tracking progress and ‘touching base’ with subjects. Themed s: Healthy eating in the canteen, exercising on shift work, working out while you are on the beat.
Website Website - Health and fitness testing norms, shift work tips, interesting articles, subject’s inputted into the web design
Selected Results from Questionnaire Stage of Change Maintenance 51.8% Action 17.9% Preparation 21.4% Contemplation 8.9% Pre contemplation 0.0%
How important is physical fitness to you ? Not important3.6% Important51.8% Very important26.8% Crucial21.4%
Perception of what the subjects feel would make a difference to their participation? Top Answers: If I could fit it around my usual work hours 73.2% People to go with / Cheaper admission prices 39.3% Someone who could offer me specific advice 35.7% Help to get motivated 33.9% Exercise in my house 32.1%
Rate the reasons of what you want exercise to do for you - 1 being low and 3 being high Top answers: Improve body shape and tone (2.714) Improve CV fitness (2.69) Be fit for my job (2.69) Feel better (2.53) Improve energy levels (2.49)
Before receiving e-counselling number of times subjects reported exercising per week Never9.6% Once13.5% Twice32.7% Three times23.1% More than three times21.2%
After e-counselling number of times subjects reported exercising per week Never0.0% Once5.8% Twice19.2% Three times44.2% More than three times30.8%
Do you think that the s aided you in your exercise and physical activity participation? Yes67.3% No32.7%
Next Phase Phase 4 Permanent Station 34 weeks – Next phase Phase 5 Garda College 4 weeks – Future studies, possible focus groups and follow up testing
Conclusions If successful the use of electronic prompts and websites to inspire trainee has considerable implications; Possible implications for best practice in other police service (other jurisdictions), and workplaces; Contribute to international policing physical activity research.