New Jersey’s Seat Belt Law All passengers must wear their seatbelts. The driver is responsible for all passengers under 18 years of age. Passengers 18 years of age and over are responsible for themselves. Non-compliance is a primary offense. A police officer can stop a motorist solely for a violation of the seat belt law Not wearing seatbelt in back seat is a secondary offense.
Seat Belt Use How do seat belts help us in a collision and while driving? Stop us from being thrown from vehicle in a collision Keeps us from sliding when going through sharp curves or bends Slows body down in a crash Wearing a Seatbelt Properly: Buckle up with both lap and shoulder belts on every trip Wear the lap belt under the abdomen and low across the hips. The shoulder portion should come over the collarbone, away from the neck, and cross over the breastbone. Chances of surviving a crash increase 60%
Child Restraint Devices It is preferred that whenever possible, child car safety seats be placed in the backseat. New Jersey Child Passenger Law: Children up to age eight or a weight of 80 pounds must ride in a federally approved safety or booster seat. Children under age eight and over 80 pounds must be in a rear seat and use a seat belt.
Starting Checklist A motorist should always check the condition of the vehicle before driving it. Areas to Check: Windshields Brake Lights Headlights Tires Turn Signals Blind Spots The seat must be adjusted so a motorist can reach all pedals and controls easily. (For most motorists, the seat may be adjusted so he/she is sitting an arm’s length from steering wheel.) Adjust Mirrors (Inside and Out) Put on Seatbelts (Make sure passengers do as well) Make sure vehicle is in park or neutral before starting the car. You are responsible for removing any snow or ice before you drive
Blind Spots These are areas where a motorist cannot see behind his/her vehicle (on both sides) through the mirror Check these areas by turning and looking over shoulder How to check mirrors while driving: When on the road, a motorist can check the vehicle’s mirrors by letting a vehicle pass on the left. When vehicle disappears from the inside rearview mirror, a motorist should be able to see its front bumper in the outside rearview mirror.
Steering and Hand Position Grip outside of steering wheel 9 & 3 o’clock Hand over Hand Steering Bring right hand to top of steering wheel Pull down ¼ turn to the left releasing your left hand Cross left hand over right and grasp top of wheel Pull down with your left hand ¼ turn and release right hand.
The faster a vehicle is going, the longer it will take it to stop. Stopping Distances Stopping Distances On Dry Surfaces For Passengers Stopping distance depends on: Motorist reaction time Weather and road conditions Vehicle weight Brake conditions Condition and type of tires Roadway conditions Speed The faster a vehicle is going, the longer it will take it to stop.
Stopping Distance for Dry Surfaces Speed Reaction distance Braking distance Total distance 10 mph 11 ft 8 ft 19 ft 20 mph 22 ft 31 ft 53 ft 30 mph 33 ft 69 ft 102 ft 40 mph 44 ft 123 ft 167 ft 50 mph 55 ft 192 ft 247 ft 60 mph 66 ft 277 ft 343 ft 70 mph 77 ft 379 ft 453 ft For every 10 mph a vehicle is traveling it takes 11 feet to react
Hand Turn Signals Left arm goes out window
Turning State law requires a motorist signal at least 100 feet before making any turn Before turning, a motorist should always: Check mirrors to look behind and to both sides for other vehicles and less visible vehicles, such as motorcycles, bicycles and mopeds to see if it is safe Signal first (use turn signals or hand signals) and then move into the proper lane. Slow down before reaching an intersection Keep a steady speed and follow pavement markings Always stay in the same lane until the turn is finished Make sure turn signal is turned off after the turn is completed Take a break and show turning overheads
DO NOT TURN FORWARD UNTIL VEHICLE HAS COME TO COMPLETE STOP Driving in Reverse Straight Line Back Head and body should be turned to the right until you can see clearly through the back window The motorist’s right hand and arm should be placed over the back of the front passenger seat; the left hand should grasp the top of the steering wheel (12 o’clock) DO NOT TURN FORWARD UNTIL VEHICLE HAS COME TO COMPLETE STOP Must be able to drive in reverse for 100 ft. during road test
Driving in Reverse Cont…. Turning Vehicle in Reverse Two hands must be on the steering wheel (Same as forward driving position) Always remember that the front of the vehicle will swing in the opposite direction of a turn
Always turn wheels RIGHT… Unless parking Uphill with a curb Parking on Hills Always turn wheels RIGHT… Unless parking Uphill with a curb
Parallel Parking Find a parking space that is large enough to fit the vehicle and signal to the right to alert motorists that the vehicle will back up to the right. Pull up alongside about two feet from the vehicle in front. Turn and check to see that the way is clear behind the vehicle before backing up. Begin backing up slowly for about two feet and turn the steering wheel all the way to the right. When the front of the vehicle has cleared the rear bumper of the vehicle in front, stop and check the angle. Turn the steering wheel all the way to the left while beginning to back up slowly. Make sure the vehicle can clear its back bumper. When the vehicle is in line, stop. Turn the vehicle’s wheels straight, center vehicle in space. The vehicle’s tires should be no more than six inches from the curb
K-Turn / 3 Pt. Turn Start from the right edge of the road Check traffic, signal left and move forward slowly while turning steering wheel to the left Check traffic, signal right and back slowly while turning the steering wheel to the right. Stop several inches from the right curb or street edge Check traffic, move vehicle forward, signal left, while turning the steering wheel to the left Straighten the vehicle’s wheels as it faces in the direction you want to go.