Washington County Transportation Authority
Mission Statement The mission of the Washington County Transportation Authority (Washington Rides) is to promote and provide high quality, cost- effective transportation to the citizens of Washington County and surrounding areas as appropriate, especially older adults, persons with disabilities, veterans, and economically disadvantaged individuals, including those on Medical Assistance.
What is Washington Rides? Shared-Ride Door to Door Advance Reservation
Shared-Ride That means a passenger will likely be riding with others Other individuals may be picked up and dropped off before the passenger reaches his destination The trip will take longer than if driving directly and passengers need to plan accordingly
Door-to-Door Service is door-to-door, from the door of the location to the door of the vehicle and vice versa Passengers who need and request assistance will receive it Drivers cannot provide lifting assistance or take a wheelchair up or down multiple steps
Advance Reservation Advance Reservation is required All passengers must be registered with Washington Rides
Registration All of our reduced fare programs require a completed application Applications available via Mail Download from website Walk-in
Hours of Service 6 AM until 8 PM, Monday through Saturday Regular service does not operate on: Sundays Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day
Scheduling a Ride Reservationists are available Monday through Friday 7:30am to 5:00pm Toll Free Local PA Relay Service (for hearing impaired) TTY: Voice:
Scheduling a Ride When calling to make a reservation, the following information is needed: Name Appointment day and time Complete address of destination Return Time Any special needs, such as a van with a lift, mobility aides, or attendant
Scheduling a Ride When to call: Reservations can be made up to two weeks in advance For next day trips Tuesday through Saturday, calls must be placed before 3pm on the previous business day For trips on Monday Calls must be placed the previous Friday by 4pm
Scheduling a Ride 15 Minute Window: Please keep in mind when making reservations that the driver may arrive 15 minutes before or 15 minutes after the pick-up time For example, for a 9:30 pick-up, the driver may be as early as 9:15 or as late as 9:45
Scheduling a Ride Depending where an individual lives in the county, service is provided by one of the following subcontractors: GG&C Bus Company First Transit (Laidlaw) Tri-County Access White Line Taxi
Will Calls Can be scheduled when the passenger does not know when they will be ready for their return from a medical appointment. The passenger contacts their provider when they are ready to be picked up For medical appointments only Provider has up to one hour to pick up passenger
Canceling a ride To cancel before the day of the trip: Call Washington Rides at To cancel the day of the trip: Call the service provider at least one hour prior to the scheduled pick-up time
What Does a Ride Cost? – Trip costs are based on street mileage, by the most direct route on county roads (not how far a person rides on the van). Costs may vary depending on level of subsidy for each program.
Programs Senior Shared-Ride For persons age 65 and older Trips to Senior Center near their home or Adult Day Care at no cost Trips to medical appointments are 5% of full fare Other trips at 15% of full fare Funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation with additional funding by the Southwestern PA Area Agency on Aging and the Pennsylvania Department of Aging
Programs Senior Shared-Ride Transportation for persons aged at no charge to Senior Center near their homes Adult Day Care Funded by the Southwestern PA Area Agency on Aging and the Pennsylvania Department of Aging
Programs Rural Transportation Program for Persons with Disabilities (PWD Program) For persons with disabilities primarily traveling within rural parts of Washington County Trips for any purpose $1.75 minimum fare beginning July 1 st, 2008 For people under 65 with a qualifying disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Programs Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP) For those eligible for Medical Assistance Trips provided at no cost to consumer Trips for medical purposes only (appointments, treatment, prescriptions) Required to provide least costly, most appropriate mode of transportation Shared-ride, Fixed route bus service, or Reimbursement of mileage in a private vehicle Funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
Programs Welfare-to-Work Eligibility determined by County Assistance Office Service provided for trips related to work and child-care Trip cost increases over time Temporary until more permanent transportation resources can be identified Funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Programs Veterans Transportation Program Special van for ambulatory veterans who need transportation to VA Medical Centers in Pittsburgh
General Public Service Full Fare Transportation Available to the general public Only difference is it not subsidized, and the passenger must pay the full fare, not just a co-payment
Passenger Rules All passengers must wear seatbelts Must provide their own child car seats and booster seats as required by law Pay their fare at the time of boarding Wait for your ride at the exact address that you gave when making the reservation
How to Conduct One’s Self Conduct prohibited includes, but is not limited to, the following: Smoking Eating Drinking Carrying weapons Listening to music without headphones and/or at a volume that disturbs other passengers or the driver Abusive language and disruptive behavior
Contact information 382 W. Chestnut St. Suite 108 Washington, PA Toll Free Local PA Relay Service (for hearing impaired) TTY: Voice: