Driver License System Safe Driving Rules & Regs Defensive Driving $300 $400 $500 Drinking, Drugs, & Health $100 $200 $100 Driver Safety & Rules of the Road $500
The minimum length of time required to drive with a Special Learner Permit (Cat ) 6 Months ($100)
An individual who is at least 21 years of age and who possesses a valid New Jersey driver license and has a minimum of three years driving experience is called this (Cat ) Supervising Driver ($200)
The fine for breaking GDL restrictions (Cat ) $100 ($300)
Responsibility will be placed with these individuals if a student driver commits a traffic offense (Cat ) Student Driver and Supervising Driver ($400)
The Examination Permit and Probationary License driving hour restrictions for an individual 21 or older (Cat ) No restrictions ($500)
The preferred location of child car safety seats (Cat. 2 – 100) The back seat ($100)
The restricted amount of time for idling your vehicle (Cat ) Three Minutes ($200)
The amount of distance a motorist should activate a turn signal before turning (Cat ) 100 feet ($300)
They keep a motorist from being thrown from a vehicle, they slow down a body down with the vehicle, and they keep a motorist/passenger from sliding. (Cat ) Three ways seat belts may help($400)
At this speed an ABS- equipped vehicle may go out of control if the motorist violently jerks the steering wheel and brakes at the same time (Cat ) 35 MPH ($500)
Emergency vehicles, buses, and postal vehicles (Cat ) Vehicles you must yield to ($100)
$500 fine, up to 25 days in jail, community service, a driving privilege suspension of up to 6 months and 2 points (Cat ) Failure to sop for a pedestrian ($200)
25 Feet (Cat ) The distance you must stop from a school bus ($300)
They are used for city driving and driving in traffic on roadways (Cat ) Dim Beams ($400)
10 Feet (Cat ) The distance you can’t park within a fire hydrant ($500)
Be Alert Be Prepared Act in Time (Cat ) Collision prevention formula ($100)
This may be avoided by not looking at any one thing for more than a few seconds (Cat ) Highway Hypnosis ($200)
Perception Distance + Reaction Distance + Braking Distance (Cat ) Stopping Distance ($300)
The speed at which hydroplaning begins (Cat ) 35 mph ($400)
The distance a motorist should look ahead in city driving (Cat ) 12 seconds ($500)
The only thing that can make a person sober (Cat ) Time ($100)
The illegal BAC limit for an individual over 21 (Cat ).08 ($200)
Refusal to take a breath test is equal to driving with a BAC of this level (Cat ).10 ($300)
Cold pills, tranquilizers, and some prescription medications (Cat ) Drugs that affect basic driving skills ($400)
The time and amount of the insurance surcharge for a DUI or refusal to take a beath test (Cat ) $1000 for 3 years ($500)
Category: Driver Privileges & Penalties
A motorist will enroll in this when convicted of two or more moving violations totaling four or more points (Final Jeopardy) Probationary Driver Program