Saskatoon Poverty Reduction Partnership
Influences on Governance Structure History of poverty reduction work in Saskatoon Vibrant Communities model Collaborative Governance Model Shared leadership across groups, organizations, sectors
Saskatoon Action Plan to Reduce Poverty shared understanding of poverty in Saskatoon shared ownership and leadership by community partners across diverse sectors integrates Saskatoon’s history of poverty reduction work broad goals initiating multi-year commitment by community partners updated on an ongoing basis input and commitment from community stakeholders on specific action strategies to reduce poverty in Saskatoon
Community Roundtables Leadership Group Coordinating Group Community Action Plan Action Groups Measurement & Evaluation Child Care Health Resources Education Housing Income Assistance Welfare to Work Aboriginal Employment
Community Roundtables Held 3-4 times per year Open invitation Link to broader community re: poverty
Primary purpose to inform Action Plan development on issue area: 1.inventory what is already happening on the issue 2.identify gaps that need to be addressed 3.outline steps needed to achieve desired outcomes Work within accountability & coordination mechanisms established by Leadership Group One partner takes a lead role to act as the fiscal and accountable authority Action Groups
Overall decision-making & direction setting Key influencers and organizations, lived experience, credibility in orgs/community Meets monthly Membership: –Saskatoon Anti-Poverty Coalition/First Voice –Business –Faith –Provincial Government –CUISR –Saskatoon Health Region –United Way of Saskatoon & Area –CBO –First Nations/Metis Groups –City of Saskatoon –Saskatoon Police Service –Leaders from Action Groups Leadership Group
Acts on behalf of the Leadership Group re: day-to-day activities Meets semi-monthly Suggested membership: –Saskatoon Health Region –Anti-Poverty Coalition –United Way of Saskatoon & Area –CUISR –SRIC –City of Saskatoon Coordinating Group
Process and Outputs transitional year, developmental focus with a plan for sustainability MayJune Positions filled & oriented Funds raised to support Year 1 plan Action Groups confirmed; structure & leadership identified JulAugSepOct Community roundtable Nov Progress report to community DecJanFebMarApr Community roundtable May Report card to community