College & Career Information Night for Sophomores, Freshmen and Parents WELCOME! September 24, :00-7:00 p.m. Southern School of Energy & Sustainability Media Center
Introductions Ms. Darneise Massey, Principal Ms. Gwen D. Roulhac, School Counselor Mr. Pablo Friedmann, Bilingual Education Specialist SSOE Families
SSOE Mission Statement Southern School of Engineering will provide each student with the physical, intellectual, emotional and social skills they need to compete in a 21 st century global society.
Wear Your Spartan A.R.M.O.R. Achieve excellence. Reach your goals. Maximize your time. Optimize learning. Respect self, peers and faculty.
Goal Setting Set a goal. Make a plan. Check in to see how things are going. Revise the plan, if necessary. Celebrate achievements along the way.
Course Selection: Rigor & Balance SSOE offers: 6 AP courses 17 Honors courses All PLTW courses receive AP weight.
Study, Organizational and Time Management Strategies Student Quiet Place Planner Daily Effort Test Taking Tips Tutoring Learning Style
Engage in meaningful activities... but not too many! Rather than superficial involvement in many activities, strive for deep engagement in one or two extra-curricular activities.
Volunteer in the Community and are great websites to search community organizations that need volunteers. Find an organization that meets your child’s interests. Opportunity to gain experience, network and obtain references for college applications
Community Organizations Renaissance Education Group UNC Upward Bound Movement of Youth Emily K Center
Invest in positive relationships. Peers Parents School Faculty & Staff
Future-Ready Core Graduation Requirements English I, II, III, IV Earth/Environmental Science, Biology, Physical Science course (Physics or Chemistry or Physical Science) Health/PE Concentration that consists of 4 courses, one of which must be advanced level
Future-Ready Core Graduation Requirements Subject Area SSOE Requirements*- 10 th graders SSOE Requirements*- 9 th graders Math 4 credits: Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 and higher level math course (Pre-Calculus; Discrete Math; AFM) 4 credits: Common Core Math I, II, III and 4 th math course aligned with student’s post- secondary plans Social Studies World History, Civics & Economics, US History World History, Civics & Economics, American History I, American History II (or AP US History plus 4 th course) World Language* 2 credits of same language required by UNC system and most colleges/universities
Future-Ready Core Graduation Requirements 2 credits in any combination of: World Language CTE Cluster Arts Education Additional elective credits for a total of 28 credits
End-of-Course Tests Academic Year: Algebra I, English I and Biology Academic Year: Common Core Math I, English II and Biology
College Readiness Assessments 10 th Graders- PLAN October 17, 2012 English, Reading, Math and Science sections No guessing penalty! Career Interest Inventory 9 th Graders- PSSS January 30, 2013 Critical Reading, Math and Writing sections Loss of ¼ point for each incorrect answer Access to My College QuickStart g/psssdownloadshttp:// g/psssdownloads
Best Long-Term Preparation for Tests and College & Career Opportunities
Dates to Remember DPS College Fair September 30, :00-4:00 pm Northgate Mall 1058 W. Club Blvd. Destino Universidad November 10, :30 am-2:00 pm NCCU Student Union 1801 Fayetteville St.
Questions? To contact Ms. Roulhac: –By phone ~ (919) x –By ~ –Online ~