Sibling Rivalry Birth Order
Draw a picture of your family. After drawing the picture, list the qualities, traits, etc. that you feel you have because of your place in the family.
SIBLING RELATIONSHIPS How can a sibling relationship be a positive part of a family? Role models Supporters members of a coalition for dealing with parents.
SIBLING ROLES Playmates and Companions Teachers and Learners Protectors and dependants Adversaries Role Models
SIBLING RIVALRY Question: What are some typical things brothers and sisters have problems with or argue about? Competition among children of the same family for their parents’ affections or for dominance is called sibling rivalry. It is extremely common, and it sometimes persists into adult life.
Younger children typically copy and try to excel in areas in which older children have previously succeeded. Younger children typically copy and try to excel in areas in which older children have previously succeeded. One or both parents sometimes single out one child as the “best” and another as the “black sheep.” One or both parents sometimes single out one child as the “best” and another as the “black sheep.” children perceive the parents’ attitudes and compete with one another for affection and approval. children perceive the parents’ attitudes and compete with one another for affection and approval.
Next to the parent-child relationship, the sibling relationship is probably the strongest. Enjoy deep sharing. Teaching and socializing is often the role of an older brother or sister. The older sibling is not only teacher but caretaker and companion.
Assignment: Assignment: Complete the handout “Living with Bothers and Sisters”. Volunteer some of the things you wrote on your handout.
Activity “Each member of the group needs to think of an adjective that describes you as a person. You will then share these will the rest of your group. If the majority of the group agrees that characteristic fits them as well then you write it on your butcher paper. Continue to do this until you have a list of characteristics that are common in your group. After your group is done hang it on the board.”
Things to remember about Birth Order Exceptions in traits Focus on positive traits of each birth order Becoming aware of uniqueness Use the information to understand ourselves and others Do not use traits as labels or stereotypes
BIRTH ORDER The order in which children are born in to a family has an influence on the development of the children. The stages in the family life cycle are based on the age of the oldest child because everything the firstborn does in new to the parents.
The oldest child is: Usually set up as an example to the other children. Treated more like an adult by his/her parents. A high achiever Given and accepts more responsibility than the other children. Usually college bound. Independent Is affectionate
The middle child: May work extra-hard to get recognition. Is usually a peace maker. is somewhat average in schoolwork, but is an all-around good student Is usually a calm, even-tempered adult.
The youngest child: Gets a lot of attention, along with a lot of bossing. May be spoiled Usually matures quickly May be undisciplined and irresponsible Is easy-going about school. Likes to associate with someone who takes charge of situations.
MARRIAGE IN RELATION TO BIRTH ORDER Oldest and youngest – the youngest is use to being taken care of and the oldest likes taking care of others. Two youngest - will have lots of fun together, but may resent each other later because no one is taking care of each other. Two Oldest – admire and respect each other because of the traits they possess. However later on they may have problems trying to agree on things.
WHAT IS YOUR TEACHER? Oldest child: Create complicated projects for students to complete. They like structure and order in the classroom. They are happiest when students are sitting in nicely arrange desks, straight in a line. Students are quiet and do as they are told. the oldest child teacher will be frustrated unless they learn how to achieve the organization in a different way.
A middle child teacher: –is interested in the psychological well being as well as the academic achievement of the student. – They seek out the rebellious students in hope of influencing them in a more positive direction. – They try to achieve order through mutual respect and understanding.
A teacher who is a younger child: –are more creative, fun loving, adjust well to noise and disorder. –Teachers allow students to take more responsibility so they won’t have to do everything themselves