The Outsiders By: S. E. Hinton
Vocabulary Ch. 1 & 2 Gingerly Incredulous Digested Unfathomable Asset Roguishly Nonchalantly Sagely Rivalry Abiding
Definitions! Gingerly: with great care to avoid harm I touched my cut gingerly, so it would not hurt. Incredulous: unbelieving; suspicious She gave him an incredulous look. Digested: short, condensed; to change food in the stomach I digested my sandwich.
Definitions! Unfathomable: too strange or difficult to understand He liked fights, blondes, and for some unfathomable reason, school. Asset: anything owned by a person; valuable The “Greasers” were not an asset to the community. Roguishly: to act dishonestly Dally grinned roguishly.
Definitions! Nonchalantly: not having interest or concern He walked nonchalantly down the street. Sagely: wisely Two-bit nodded sagely Rivalry: competition between two groups that don’t like each other The rivalry between the two football teams showed when the fans booed. Abiding: lasting, waiting He was abiding his time, waiting for the rain to stop.
Vocabulary Chapters 3 & 4 Sophisticated Contemptuous Premonition Aloofness Defiance Sheepish Elite Apprehensive Resigned Ember
Definitions! Sophisticated: experienced the world; cultured She acted sophisticated. Contemptuous: showing dislike Dally glanced contemptuously over his shoulder. Premonition: feeling that something is going to happen before it does I had a premonition I would do well on the test.
Definitions! Aloofness: keeping away, not taking part Socs were always behind a wall of aloofness, careful not to show their real selves. Defiance: refusal to do something; open disobedience He showed defiance when he didn’t do the dishes like he was told. Sheepish: awkwardly, self-conscious He gave her a sheepish grin.
Definitions! Elite: group that is considered better than others, more specialized The elite group had special training. Apprehensive: uneasy; worried He was pretty well crocked, which made me apprehensive. Resigned: give up; ready to put up with or accept She was resigned to go to the party.
Definitions! Ember: small piece of burning wood; ashes of a dying fire The fire started when the ember of the cigarette lit the paper.