Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes …


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Presentation transcript:

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes …

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes Bible Studies From Ecclesiastes

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8  THE SEARCH : Trying To Find The Meaningful Life 1:12 – 2:26  THE PROBLEM : Understanding God’s Providential Rule Over Life 3:1 – 5:20  THE APPLICATION : Explaining & Applying God’s Plan 6:1 – 8:15  Trusting God & Living Joyfully In An Uncertain World 8:16 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  Admissions Re: God’s Control 3:1-15  God appoints all things vv  God gives man blessings to enjoy vv  God’s will cannot be thwarted vv The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  Questions Re: God’s Control 3:16 – 4:16  Although Koheleth had no problem admitting the previous truths, he also has questions that seem to baffle him  These do appear to be “jarring contradictions”  Key phrases Ù “I saw” or “I have seen” The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  Questions Re: God’s Control 3:16 – 4:16 Ê Why is there injustice? 3:16-22 Ë Why is there oppression? 4:1-3 Ì Why is there envy, rivalry? 4:4-6 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  Questions Re: God’s Control 3:16 – 4:16 Ì Why is there envy, rivalry? 4:4-6  Men try to “out-do” each other v. 4  Why would a sovereign God allow such dispositions to govern activities among men?  Some will resort to any means to beat others  This is “vanity” The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  Questions Re: God’s Control 3:16 – 4:16 Ì Why is there envy, rivalry? 4:4-6  Some may conclude success “under the sun” cannot be achieved any other way  It produces envy Psa 73:1-15  It ruins the satisfaction of honorable labor and its fruits 2: :12-13 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  Questions Re: God’s Control 3:16 – 4:16 Ì Why is there envy, rivalry? 4:4-6  The “over-achiever” (caught up in a rivalry) is contrasted with the “fool” v. 5  The fool does nothing…he “folds his hands” and “consumes his own flesh”  The answer is not found in either “extreme” The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  Questions Re: God’s Control 3:16 – 4:16 Ì Why is there envy, rivalry? 4:4-6  The answer is “moderation” v. 6  Not “Two hands” nor “Zero hands”  One hand full of rest is better than two fists full of labor trying to beat your neighbor  Such a “contest” = striving after the wind The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  Questions Re: God’s Control 3:16 – 4:16 Í Why is there loneliness? 4:7-12  Some are lonely…they have nobody in their lives vv. 7-8 (neither son nor brother)  Yet, they still labor with unsatisfied eyes… providing for whom? v. 8  This is “vanity” and a “grievous task” The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  Questions Re: God’s Control 3:16 – 4:16 Í Why is there loneliness? 4:7-12  Didn’t God solve man’s problem of loneliness? Gen 2:18-24  Why would a sovereign God allow man to become lonely? (sometimes He is blamed) The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  Questions Re: God’s Control 3:16 – 4:16 Í Why is there loneliness? 4:7-12  The answer = companionship vv  Relationships (spouses, siblings, heirs)  Could also include “virtual” relationships Mk 10:29-30 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  Questions Re: God’s Control 3:16 – 4:16 Í Why is there loneliness? 4:7-12  The worth of relationships is emphasized vv  Companions support physically, emotionally  If “two” is better, even more so is “three”  God expects us to fill our lives with people The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  Questions Re: God’s Control 3:16 – 4:16 Í Why is there loneliness? 4:7-12  Companionship can certainly help solve earlier problems Solomon addressed  Comfort for those being oppressed 4:1  Solace & perspective for those caught up in envy & rivalry 4:4 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  Questions Re: God’s Control 3:16 – 4:16 Î Why is there fickleness, partiality? 4:13-16  Man shows inclinations at times to change “sides” for whatever reason  Example Ù an old king being replaced  Because he no longer receives counsel, the people set him aside for a younger lad The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  Questions Re: God’s Control 3:16 – 4:16 Î Why is there fickleness, partiality? 4:13-16  This younger lad, though poor, will be raised to the throne because the people deem him wise  That will only last for so long  One day, he will be set aside in favor of a younger lad The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  Questions Re: God’s Control 3:16 – 4:16 Î Why is there fickleness, partiality? 4:13-16  A possible reference to Solomon’s own story? cp. 1 Kings 11:9-13,  It is not “fickleness” if sin is involved in replacing one with another  Other “changes” could be done on a whim The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  The Dangers Of Questioning God 5:1-20  Koheleth has admitted unalterable truths about God as Sovereign 3:1-15  He also posed “questions” that seem to challenge these truths 3:16 – 4:16 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  The Dangers Of Questioning God 5:1-20  Now, he will warn of certain “dangers” if one yields to these questions 5:1-20 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  The Dangers Of Questioning God 5:1-20 Ê The Danger Of Improper Worship vv. 1-7  This could result if one approaches God with anything but reverence for Him as Sovereign  Man must “guard his steps” v. 1  He must draw near to listen rather than to offer the “sacrifice of fools” The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  The Dangers Of Questioning God 5:1-20 Ê The Danger Of Improper Worship vv. 1-7  A heart focused on “un-answerable puzzles” instead of reverence & devotion will not offer proper worship  God desires & deserves proper worship Lev 10:1-3 1 Sam 13: :13-23 The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  The Dangers Of Questioning God 5:1-20 Ê The Danger Of Improper Worship vv. 1-7  “Be not hasty…” v. 2  God is in heaven…man is on the earth  The distance between us necessitates we acknowledge His superiority The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  The Dangers Of Questioning God 5:1-20 Ê The Danger Of Improper Worship vv. 1-7  “The dream comes through much effort, and the voice of a fool through many words” v. 3  Excess efforts produce fanciful imaginations  In the same way, religious foolishness is manifested by man’s many or hasty words The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

Life Under The Sun Biblical Studies In Ecclesiastes THE PROBLEM 3:1 – 5:20  The Dangers Of Questioning God 5:1-20 Ê The Danger Of Improper Worship vv. 1-7  Not only must man “guard his steps” v. 2 but also “guard his mouth” re: worship v. 3  A lesson missed by the Pharisees Mt 6:7  They thought “quantity” = “quality” The Monologue 1:12 – 12:8

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