The Competition between the Hudson’s Bay Company and the North West Company
Early Competition From 1720 to 1763 many Cree carried their furs from the West to the HBC forts on Hudson Bay. From 1720 to 1763 many Cree carried their furs from the West to the HBC forts on Hudson Bay. From 1731 to 1743 the La Verendryes (independent traders from Quebec) built forts on the rivers farther West to encourage the Native people to trade with them instead of going to the HBC. From 1731 to 1743 the La Verendryes (independent traders from Quebec) built forts on the rivers farther West to encourage the Native people to trade with them instead of going to the HBC.
In 1763 the British gained control of New France. In 1763 the British gained control of New France. They hoped that gaining control of the land meant they had control of the fur trade also. They hoped that gaining control of the land meant they had control of the fur trade also. However French traders continued to travel to the interior for the best furs – Samuel Hearne built the first HBC fort in the interior – Samuel Hearne built the first HBC fort in the interior. –It did not increase HBC trade – Peter Pond (an independent trader) built a fort farther northwest than Hearne’s – Peter Pond (an independent trader) built a fort farther northwest than Hearne’s.
Creation of the North West Company 1783 – the independent traders from Quebec decide they would be more effective if they joined together – the independent traders from Quebec decide they would be more effective if they joined together. The Northwest Company and the XY Company were formed. The NWC took over the XYC in The NWC took over the XYC in The NWC traders spent the winters in the Northwest trading with the Native people they brought their furs to Fort William the Montreal partners took them and shipped them to Europe. The NWC traders spent the winters in the Northwest trading with the Native people they brought their furs to Fort William the Montreal partners took them and shipped them to Europe.
NWC and HBC By 1804 the rivalry between the NWC and the HBC was intense. By 1804 the rivalry between the NWC and the HBC was intense. There were rival fur trading forts along the length of the Saskatchewan River. There were rival fur trading forts along the length of the Saskatchewan River. After 1812, the rivalry led to violence. After 1812, the rivalry led to violence. –HBC allowed a group of settlers to begin a settlement at Red River. –NWC concerned that the settlers would be used to interfere with their fur trade and supply routes.