Skills And Techniques Lesson 4
Today we will... Describe a handstand forward roll. Learn how we will gather focused data on our handstand forward roll. Discuss why this method is appropriate. Learn what the 3 main methods of practice are.
Questions 1.Describe the method you used to gather general data on your performance. (4) 2.Why was this method appropriate? (3) 3.Describe a skill that was a strength. (3) 4. Describe a skill that was a weakness. (3)
Describe the method you used to gather general data on your performance. (4) We gathered general data by completing a skills checklist. Our partner watched us perform various flight, balancing, rotational and inversion skills. We performed each skill 5 times. After our 5 th attempt our partner ticked whether we showed: limited control and fluency, sometimes showed control and fluency, showed good control and fluency, consistently showed a high degree of control and fluency.
Why was this method appropriate? (3) The checklist identified our strengths and weaknesses so we can create a routine using our best skils. Completing an observation schedule gives us a permanent record we can look back upon after practising. Performing each skill 5 times means we got an accurate picture of our ability.
Describe a skill that was a strength. (3) Preparation.... Action.... Recovery...
Describe a skill that was a weakness. (3) Preparation... Action... Recovery...
Peer Marking You will now be issued a copy of an answer submitted by someone in this class – Read it over – Does it answer all 4 mini questions – If it is fully detailed, give it full marks – If it covers all the basic points but lacks some detail, give it half marks – If it is limited and has no detail, give it no marks
Describe a skill that was a weakness…Handstand forward roll Preparation – standing arms raised, lunge forward on one leg, take weight on hands, lock arms, kick legs up Action – snap both legs together, head tucked in, back straight, toes pointed, hold balance for 5 seconds Recovery – overbalance, curve spine, bend arms and roll out, stand up arms raised
Gathering focused data on Handstand Forward Roll I completed a Model Performer observation schedule for the handstand forward roll. The observation schedule broke the handstand forward roll down into subroutines. I performed the skill a number of times. After each attempt I watched a video of my performance. I placed a, a X or a ? beside each subroutine depending on how well I performed it.
Why is this method appropriate? Model performer observation schedule identifies specific strengths and weaknesses. This allows us to plan specific practices to develop weaknesses. Observation schedule acts as a permanent record that can be looked back at to assess any improvements. Videoing my performance made the data I gathered more accurate because I can pause it and slow it down. Performing the skill 3 times means I have an accurate picture of my performance level.
Methods of Practice There are three main Methods of Practice: Gradual Build Up Whole-Part-Whole Repetition Practice
Gradual Build Up The skill is broken down into small parts and is learned in stages. Once a stage has been practiced and mastered then the learner moves to the next stage. The learner knows they have mastered a stage if they complete it successfully 3 times in a row. Each stage is harder than the one before as it contains more subroutines and is more like the whole skill.
Benefits of Gradual Build Up It breaks complex (difficult) skills down into smaller parts which are easier to learn than the whole skill at once. Each stage is challenging yet achievable. It builds the performers confidence. It makes dangerous skills safe to learn.
Homework Due Wednesday 16/09/2008. Describe a skill that was a weakness in your performance. Describe how you gathered focused data on this skill. Why was this method appropriate? How will improving this skill benefit your whole performance?