Cinerang Studio
ABOUT 3 Ad.Films Event Management. Digital Campaigns. THESE ARE FEW OF OUR FAVORITE THINGS. A Studio which has been Amalgamated and the core ideation is to Conceptualise, create and execute the final output to our clients. Cinerang Studio is a modern film production company whose role is not advertising in the traditional sense but an innovative young agency providing audio visual solutions to brands. Cinerang Studio
ABOUT 4 Cinerang is an associate company of Kingsmen and Rego advertising. Kingsmen is a multi national company specialising in high end brand retail interiors exhibitions and museums with clientele like Burberry,apple,samsung,ITC and so on. Rego advertising is a 360 degree media and advertising agency. our story Cinerang Studio
SERVICES 6 An ad to convey in few seconds, concepts do make a huge recall. Ad films Website designing to social media marketing and online videos Digital Campaigns Create execution for Targeted clients. Corporate films Right from planning to execution Event Management Line production to the best of our reach Tele Films Madia Planning through our associated advertising and media planning agencies. Agency support Cinerang Studio
workflo w
WORKFLOW 8 Inspire Innovate Imagin e Creating concepts for all kinds of brands. And yes, we make sure your product outstand the rest Concept Our technical team does the right amount of mix just to get the ouput of the product perfect Creation According to the need of the product our campaigns do target the rightful audience Marketing Mix Cinerang Studio
SOCIAL MEDIA 9 C N E R IN A G Our Strive is to reach to the right amount of targeted social media audience with respect to the product need. Lets make it Viral Cinerang Studio
10 We have the nag to target the right audience online. Our campaigns do personalise to the products Whether it is Informational ad, animated ads, experential ads through concepts. We do the treatment and target the rightful millions from billions. How we work! Online Campaigns Facebook – Billion Twitter – 500+ Million Google+ 500+Million Linkedin Million Cinerang Studio
Our Clients 12 GIVE TRUST AND YOU’LL GET IT DOUBLE IN RETURN. – Kees Kamies Cinerang Studio
Ad Campaign – GALLERY 14 LJM Developments – Corporate FilmAd commercial - IPAMA Cinerang Studio
Behind the scenes - Arjun GALLERY 15 Online Ad commercial for Whisper Ultra Cinerang Studio
I Paid a bribe Social cause campaigns 16 Jaagney ki yaachaana ad campaign The time is always right to do what is right - Martin Luther King, Jr. Get out and vote Cinerang Studio
Television Serial production Up coming projects 17 Cinerang Studio
Lets connect 19 Anticipate in hearing from you! CINERANG STUDIO PVT. Ltd. Mumbai: A/1001, Savgan Heights, Four Bunglows, RTO road, Andheri West Delhi: B-1Extn, F-1 Mohan Cooperative Ind, area website: Vrinda Kapoor: Workplace: Cinerang Studio /cinerangstudio