R10 Award Report – 2005 Y. W. Liu -R10 Award Committee Chair Member - Jung Uck Seo Akinori Nishihara
Award Strategy Establish greater publicity and prestige Promote R10 and HQ Award nominations Improve industry communication links and closer tie with sponsors Enhance visibility of Award with sister societies Joint Award with national society
R10 Outstanding Volunteer Award Call for nomination in September, deadline on 30 November There were total eight nominations received in 2005 The Award Committee considered the nominations from following Sections: -
2005 Outstanding Volunteer Award Nominations Bombay Section Delhi Section Gujarat Section Hyderabad Section Islamabad Section Kerala Section Madras Section South Australia Section
2005 Outstanding Volunteer Award Recipients Anthony Lobo, Bombay Section Muhammad Mubashir Hussain, Islamabad Section Raj Kumar Vir, Delhi Section Satheesh Kurmar, Kerala Section Satheesh Kurmar is invited to the R10 Meeting to receive the Certificate with traveling expense sponsored by R10
2004 R10 Large and Small Distinguish Section Kerala Section is elected the winner of the 2004 R10 Large Distinguish Section Award Gujarat Section is elected the winner of the 2004 R10 Small Distinguish Section Award The Award Instrument is a Certificate and $1,000 cash bonus presented in the 2006 Chiengmai R10 Committee Meeting
Fraud Case in name of “ IEEE Asia Pacific ” published in a web site [Mr. Yasar Khawar of IDS-Worldwide Solutions has won the IEEE "Best Professional Security Data Product for Asia Pacific" for 2004]. Both HQ and R10 have not issued such award and it is considered a fraud
Award proposal - Region GOLD Award RAB ARC propose to set up the Region GOLD Award Template program approved and provided by RAB recognize GOLD leader for substantive projects or achievement of a relatively short nature (1 - 3 years) which have left an undeniable imprint on the fabric of GOLD operation
Region GOLD Award It is proposed to set up the Award in R10 Proposed Schedule Call for Nomination – April Nomination Deadline – end July Result Announcement – October The recipient will be nominated to RAB GOLD Award – nomination deadline 15 October
Region GOLD Award Award Instrument one of below: - Certificate to be present by Section Cash bonus Recipient travel expense to Region Meeting to receive certificate It is recommended that the Award recipient be sponsor to the R10 Meeting to receive the Certificate
Other Award proposal R8 propose to set up Region Chapter Award Chapter has to submit contest form Evaluation base on Technical Activities - 30 points max Educational Activities - 30 points max Membership Communication and Advancement - 20 points max Public Relation Activities - 10 points max Additional - 10 points max
2005 Award Expenses $1,000 x 2 bonus paying to Large and Small Section Award $1,261 for travelling expense of Outstand Volunteer to Singapore Meeting The office expense is $368 Total 05 Award expense is $3,630
2006 Award Budget Propose $4,500 budget for the R10 Award to support: - 1. $2,000 to the Large and Small Distinguish Section Award 2. Office expense 3. The travelling expense for the Outstanding Volunteer & GOLD Award
RAB Award William W. Middleton Distinguished Service Award - deadline for nominations 01 June 2005 William W. Middleton Distinguished Service Award Friend of IEEE Regional Activities Awards - Nominations may be submitted at any time during the year Friend of IEEE Regional Activities Awards
RAB Award RAB Achievement Award RAB Innovation Award RAB Leadership Award RAB Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award RAB Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award Nomination deadline October 15
HQ Contact IEEE Regional Activities Attn.: RAB Awards, 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway NJ ISA ab/Awards/RABAWARDS.html Tel , Fax:
Suggestions and Comments are Welcome Thank You! Y. W. LIU -