Soil & PlantTissue Testing for Florida Pastures Ed Jennings UF-IFAS Extension Pasco County
Soil Test Chemical analysis to assess the plant-available nutrient status, salinity, and elemental toxicity of a soil Soil sample collection: representative of the entire area of interest Differences in soil type Areas managed or cropped differently Areas that clearly have some type of problem
Differences in Soil Type
Soil Test Handling and submitting your soil sample 1. Samples are thoroughly mixed 2. Sub-sample should be placed in a clean and properly labeled soil sample bag 3. Samples should be delivered to lab as soon as possible after collection
Area B - Dark colored soil Area A - Light colored soil
Yield will be limited by the element in shortest supply in relation to plants needs
Target pH for different forage crops grown on mineral soils 1 Crop CategoryTarget pH Bahiagrass Bermudagrass, and limpograss5.5 Small grains and ryegrass6.0 Perennial peanut6.0 Clover6.5 Alfalfa7.0
Fertilizer Label Nitrogen – Phosphorus – K Potassium Always in this same order, by law Each number is percentage of that nutrient is 6 % N, 6%P, & 6%K That’s only 18% or 18 lbs per 100 Whats the rest ?
Critical Plant Nutrient Levels in Bahiagrass Tissue Plant Nutrient Critical Concentration % Nitrogen < 1.5 Phosphorous< 0.15 Potassium<1.2
Example Report
LIME AND FERTILIZER RECOMMENDATIONS Crop: Bahiagrass Lime:427.0 lbs per acre (1 Ton = 2000 Lbs) Nitrogen: 60 lbs per acre Phosphorus: 0 lbs per acre Potassium: 0 lbs per acre Magnesium: (Mg) 0 lbs per acre
LIME AND FERTILIZER RECOMMENDATIONS Crop: Improved perennial grasses other than bahiagrass(bermuda,digit,limpo,star) Lime: 0.0 lbs per acre (1 Ton = 2000 Lbs) Nitrogen: 160 lbs per acre Phosphorus: 0 lbs per acre Potassium: 80 lbs per acre Magnesium: (Mg) 0 lbs per acre
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