Implementation status of National Food Security Mission NFSM workshop- Raipur
Objectives of the regional workshop To Create a platform for direct interaction of various stakeholders up to district level field functionaries To Understand/ discuss the practical impediments – technical, administrative, management level of implementation & evolve suggestions Enabling two way flow of information/knowledge
NFSM –Infant to adult … Journey towards more stability
May 23, 2015Department of Agriculture & Cooperation 4 NFSM at a glance 20 million tons of additional food grains to be produced; 10 of rice, 8 of wheat and 2 of Pulses An outlay of Rs crores provided over a period of five years, to districts to be covered in 17 States that are having very high yield gaps 20 MHa of Rice, 13 MHa of Wheat and 17 MHa of Pulses, covering about 40 % of cropped area for focused attention
Distinctive features P P PMT at 3 level Monitoring mechanism Concurrent & midterm evaluation Incentives for good performance 9% funds for local initiatives Decentralised decision by PRIs Community based Pilot projects Empowered NFSMGC 3 tier coordina tion structure non treasury route Better quality seeds SRI, Hybrids Mechanisation, INM, IPM, FFS Proven technologie s & Practices Mission Mode Implement ation Result Orientation Scope for local initiatives Department of Agriculture & Cooperation 5
May 23, 2015Department of Agriculture & Cooperation 6 NFSM – Interventions
GROWING TOGETHER… OUTPUTS &OUTCOMES……. Experiences of NFSM Implementation in the last 4 crop seasons…..
Encouraging signs Improved production and productivity during & State specific specialisations- T.N- SRI; U.P-Success story of rotavators; Orissa and A.P- Documentation of demonstrations Improvement of productivity by more than 50% in some districts of Bihar, M.P where the original productivity is much lesser than the state productivity.
May 23, 2015Department of Agriculture & Cooperation 9 May 23, 2015Department of Agriculture & Cooperation9 Significant outputs (07-08 & ) Encouragement to new farm practices-Nearly 2.35 lakh demonstrations of improved varieties of rice and wheat, SRI of rice and hybrid rice Nearly lakh quintals of high yielding variety/hybrid seed of rice, wheat, pulses distributed. Nearly 12.0 lakh hectares of area treated with soil ameliorants (gypsum/lime/micronutrients) to restore soil fertility Nearly 9.7 lakh ha of farm land treated under Integrated Pest Management Nearly 4.3 lakh farm implements distributed Capacity building of the farmers through nearly Farmers Field Schools arranged at farm level Nearly 55,000 farmers are benefited through resource conservation technologies
May 23, 2015Department of Agriculture & Cooperation 10 May 23, 2015Department of Agriculture & Cooperation10 Significant outputs (07-08 & ) S.NoOutputArea coveredFarmers benefited 12.35lakh demonstrationsNearly 1 lakh hac2.35 lakh farmer s 27.5 lakh qtls of Rice HYV distributed8 lakh hac of rice area of NFSM districts covered Nearly 12 lakh farmers 3Nearly qtls of hybrid rice distributed hac is coveredNearly farmers lakh qtls of wheat HYV distributed34.5 lakh hac23 lakh farmers 55.7 lakh hac of pulses seed distributed14.25 lakh hac covered9.5 lakh farmers 6Nearly 12 lakh hac treated with gypsum/lime/micronutrients 12.0 lakh hac9.0 lakh farmers 79.7 lakh ha of farm land treated under Integrated Pest Management 9.7 lakh hac6.5 lakh farmers 84.3 lakh farm implements distributed4.3 lakh farmers 9Capacity building of the farmers through nearly Farmers Field Schools 4.5 lakh farmers 10 TotalNearly 1 millionNearly 72 lakh farmers
May 23, 2015Department of Agriculture & Cooperation 11 May 23, 2015Department of Agriculture & Cooperation11 Significant outcomes Wheat 07-08: Significant role of NFSM in producing 78.57million tons of wheat ; nearly 2.8 million tons more than Production in NFSM districts is 35.8 million tons in Compared to million tons in Wheat productivity increase over in NFSM districts: Maharashtra 14.6%;Gujarat 6.6%; Bihar 14.1%punjab 6.6%; UP 2.9 %;WB 1% 08-09: Significant role of NFSM in producing million tonnes of wheat; nearly 1.82 tonnes more than Wheat productivity increase over in NFSM districts: UP 1.92%;WB 5.22%;Bihar 1.6%; Haryana 2.7%; M.P.7.2%; Rajasthan 14.6% Wheat productivity increase over in NFSM districts: Punjab 5.6%; UP 5%;WB 6.2%;Bihar 16.4%; Rajasthan 1.2% Overall Against the target of 8 million tonnes of additional wheat production, 1.8 million tonnes of wheat production is achieved( base year ) as per third estimate
May 23, 2015Department of Agriculture & Cooperation 12 May 23, 2015Department of Agriculture & Cooperation12 Significant outcomes Rice 07-08: Significant role of NFSM in producing million tonnes of rice; nearly 3.34million tons more than (93.39 million tonnes) Rice productivity increase over in NFSM districts: AP 19.6%;Gujarat 35%; 08-09: Significant role of NSFM in producing million tonnes of rice during (3 rd advance estimates); nearly 2.7 million tonnes more than Rice productivity increase over in NFSM districts: AP 15.3%;Bihar 27.7%;MP 44%; WB 3.7% Rice productivity increase over in NFSM districts: Bihar 70%;MP 64%; TN 9.2%;UP 6.5 % Overall Against the target of 10 million tonnes of additional rice production, 6 million tonnes of rice production is achieved( base year ) As per third estimate of
May 23, 2015Department of Agriculture & Cooperation 13 May 23, 2015Department of Agriculture & Cooperation13 Significant outcomes Pulses 07-08: Significant role of NFSM in producing million tonnes of pulses; nearly 0.6million tonnes more than (14.2 million tonnes) pluses productivity increase over in NFSM districts: Gujarat 39%Bihar 13% ; A.P 9% 08-09: pluses productivity increase over in NFSM districts: TN 19.%; Rajasthan>100%; Punjab 18%; Haryana 66%; AP 20% pluses productivity increase over in NFSM districts: Rajasthan 65%; Punjab 3%; Haryana 0.25% ; AP 30%
Observation of field visits More stress on quantity of demonstrations, FFS. Delay and inadequate supply of inputs like gypsum and micro- nutrients and farm implements Large amounts of unspent balances. Need for village level awareness – Proper Documentation of the demonstration/minikit performance Regular Maintenance account documents at state/district village level Engagement of PMT & Increased involvement of PRIs/ PMT Selection of site and Operation of farmers field schools Receipt for sale of various inputs to the farmers Constitution of seed committees and district monitoring committees at district level
Status of Drought in NFSM Districts StateTotal no. of NFSM dists in the state Total no of NFSM districts in the state covered under drought Total no of districts covered under drought RiceWheatPulses Assam Jharkhand U.P Karnataka M.P H.P-12 Manipur9 Nagaland11 Total
Crop Planning for Rabi Kharif crop coverage and damage Additional areas-boro/summer rice, wheat and coarse cereals Possibility of increase in pulses area Productivity increase in regular rabi areas- timely sowing & provision of timely inputs NFSM components – For promoting water conservations technology (SRI, zero till seed drills, sprinklers) Life saving irrigation facilities (Pump sets, sprinklers) Local initiatives funds for taking up location specific activities, leading to increase in agriculture production/productivity. Use the flexibility of 20% inter componental change Unutilized funds for procuring additional inputs for rabi to cover rabi pulses, additional rice areas in NFSM districts Additional funds, if required.
Other Suggestions Planning for timely availability of inputs for rabi Delegation of input procurement to district level, if required Release of publicity funds to districts, distribution of literature, wall writings etc. Interest accrued need to be intimated & utilised for NFSM after approval Active participation of PMT needs to be ensured Need to activate Monitoring committees at district level Baseline survey/ concurrent evaluation reports Use of NFSM website MIS for monitoring
“Your” involvement / dedication is important for “our” Success.. Let us strive hard together for Future Food Security …..